Shooting in Raw/JPEG?

May 8th, 2017
I set my Lumix TZ80 to shoot in both. Very excited about this, I went for a walk and took some photo's. Much to my dismay I could not see any in Lightroom! All I saw on each grey space was " preview unavailable for this file". I can also only see every second one on the pc screen when I put in the sd card. I can see the all on my camera though. Do I have to download or change something on the pc? Meanwhile I'll just continue with JPEG. I would appreciate any help, thanks.
May 8th, 2017
What version of Lightroom do you have? RAW support for TZ80 was added to Lightroom as of version 6.4.
May 8th, 2017
Oh what a crying shame, I have just bought Lightroom 6! Thanks a lot for the info.
May 8th, 2017
@ludwigsdiana I think you would be able to download and install the 6.x version upgrades for free. I believe there should be an option in the Help menu to check for updates. The current version is 6.10.
May 8th, 2017
That would be fabulous, thanks ever so much 😀
May 10th, 2017
@ludwigsdiana Checking in .... did you get the free upgrade? I had the same problem with my lightroom and new camera. I just had to do the free upgrade and the problem was solved. There are other ways around it, but the upgrade is the simplest so I hope that worked for you.
May 11th, 2017
@aecasey I did an update but it did not change anything. I stll get 'preview unavailable'. I will try to get the download from the web and keep you psted. Thanks for your interest 😉
May 11th, 2017
@ludwigsdiana That must be so frustrating! I just checked the available updates with mine (Help...Check For Updates) and it said 6.10 was the newest. That should have picked up your TZ80 as it is on the list of supported cameras.
You might check your version to be sure it updated. It may also be that you may have to wait for the next update. I guess camera manufacturers are constantly tweeking their RAW information, which means Adobe has to constantly update their converter, so Adobe is sometimes behind the curve, particularly if you have a really new camera. Though the Lightroom I bought said it would support my new camera, like yours, it didn't until I did the update.

When I was between computers I borrowed my daughter's, and her Lightroom wouldn't support my RAW files so she downloaded a DNG converter from Adobe for me. That is a possibility. I found it clumsy to use, though, particularly when Lightroom should be picking up the conversion. You could get a DNG converter here.
You'd have to do the conversion, and then take it into lightroom. Extra steps that, with your new program, just shouldn't be necessary, but it is a work around.

Hope you figure things out. I've seen some edited RAW and straight JPEG comparisons with the TZ80, and they both looked great. Whether you end up using RAW or JPEG, I hope you can do what you want to do, and enjoy doing it.
May 11th, 2017
@aecasey April you're a star! Thanks so much for all this info whiich I will check out. I so appreciate all the help I get to finally get started with Lightroom.🌟
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