What are your essential photography books?

January 7th, 2011
In my desire to keep learning, I thought I should get a few books to learn from. I can only stare at this screen for so many hours a day before I start to go crazy.

So! Fellow photographers, what book(s) have you learned the most from and will always keep in your personal library?
January 7th, 2011
Fundamentals of Photography By Tom Ang

everything from darkrooms to comp to cameras to digital printing..
January 7th, 2011
I'm new to photography, so I recently ordered a stack of books from eBay and Amazon. I just started reading 'Macro Photography Photo Workshop' by Haje Jan Kamps, which has been helpful already (see my Poinsettia Leaf photo). I have others by Ansel Adams, Harold Davis, Kodak, and other reputable resources that I've yet to read. I selected books by the photographers I admire and books that focus (no pun intended) on the styles I'm interested in learning, such as macro, nature photography, and black and white. Also, National Geographic's website has tips from their photographers on shooting nature photos, if you're interested in that realm. Hope that helps!
January 7th, 2011
I got a lot out of Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.
January 7th, 2011
'Understanding Exposure' by Bryan Peterson and
'Digital Photography Book' (there are 3 in the set) by Scott Kelby are really good.
January 7th, 2011
'understanding exposure' is excellent. i think scott kelby's books are okay but they're very basic. my favourite is 'the photographer's eye' by michael freeman.
January 7th, 2011
Anything by Scott Kelby...that man is a genius.
January 8th, 2011
thx for all the input guys :) my list of books to get has grown quite a bit!
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