Help, Please!!

January 9th, 2011

I don't know what's wrong with my camera but all my pictures (except for some outdoor ones) are coming out grainy. I have tried changing the settings but I think I might have made it worse. Now I don't even know WHAT the correct settings are anymore!! Any suggestions would be helpful!!! I have no idea where my manual is either!! :(
January 9th, 2011
Hi Della

Witch cam is it ?
January 9th, 2011
Sometimes you can get manuals online ...
January 9th, 2011
Can you somehow get back to factory settings?
January 9th, 2011
So sorry Della, I'm completely ignorant of such things. BUT, I agree with Denise, manuals are available online and maybe even have some specific advice is availabe from your camera manufacturer online. When I have such problems, I type in the specific problem into my search engine, and I think that Bing is a good source, and see what comes up. GOOD LUCK DELLA!
January 9th, 2011
Iso speed will make pictures grainy. The higher it is, the more grainy the picture. You say some outdoor pics are ok, it's maybe because there is more light than inside, so the camera use a lower Iso. Hope you can fix this.
January 9th, 2011
Try turning down your iso and increasing your f stop. You could also try pulling out your batteries overnight to try to get it to reset.
January 9th, 2011
Maybe it is just your Iso? Can you not download your handbook online perhaps?
January 9th, 2011
i agree, check your ISO. Do you shoot Canon or Nikon? Some Canon cameras do not do well at high ISO ranges.
January 9th, 2011
Della, I agree that it sounds like an ISO thing. If it is set to Auto ISO (yuk) it will dial it up high inside and make things grainy.

Depending on the cameras age (hope it is not this), the sensor may be going kaput. Usually, though, this just suddenly happens, and everything becomes a nasty looking blur, versus grainy.

Keep us posted!
January 9th, 2011
thanks everyone---I think it is on Auto ISO---and my camera is about 2 years old---what is the usual "life" of a camera? I wish I had a Canon or nikon but I bought a Sony before I knew any better!! :) Don't get me wrong- I love my camera- but I think it's time for an upgrade (as soon as I can). I went to the ISO setting but it only shows "OEV"--what's that and what should it be set on??? Instead of Auto what should I set the ISO on and the f stop? I'm so new at this!! I will also see if I can find my manual online!! Thank you!! I love 365!!
January 9th, 2011
If it is a P&S, try a reset. There is an option in the menu settings to reset all settings. If you have auto and manual modes, try both modes, as they use different settings. Grainy could also be the compression of the image (Superfine, fine, etc.). Maybe you can upload an example and the model of your camera so we can help more?

Hopefully it's just a setting and not the camera failing. That was frustrating!
January 9th, 2011
Hi Della. Grainy usually mean the ISO in darker photos is way too high (Unless you are at a rock concert and then it is kind of fun). If you set your shutter speed way up, the ISO may be compensating with high numbers = grainy when it is dark and you are not using a flash. So it might be anther setting throwing it off.
"EV" stands for Exposure Value. It's 0(zero)EV that you're seeing. The zero means that you are not applying any exposure compensation to the shot you're about to take.= normal setting.
See if you can reset the camera settings to the factory settings. Then take a few indoor shots and see.
The Canon Powershot series are great little P&S
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