How do you look at the pictures posted here?

March 1st, 2010
I have noticed that some people have a ton of responces on their pictures while most people who are new get maybe 1 or 2. I am wondering if that is because people only look at photos on their home page of people they are following. Do you go through the pictures of the day one by one? Skim through the icons and only comment on what pops out to you? Do you only go through the ones that you are following which show your home page? I'd like to have more feedback on my photos (is that even done here when you post a picture? Most forums I have been in always give you constructive feedback on your lighting, settings, etc... and ways to better yourself. Maybe that is not done here) but I don't think people are looking at photos the same way I am (which is going through them many times a day to see all of them). Many times I post a picture I am really pleased with and get nothing. Trying to figure out if I suck lol or if it is the fact that I am not being followed much. Photography is pretty new to me and I'd like to have feedback...good bad and the ugly.

March 1st, 2010
Christie, it has taken a while for me to get more feedback on my photos and now it seems I have more followers everyday. You can always post a rfequest for criticism here in the "critique' topic - look under "discuss" at the top of the page. I try to click on 'Browse' every time I pop in here as well as check on those I'm following, so I do check other photos too. I also check the 'Popular' page. hang in there, you'll see you'll get more people following you too! And ask for criticism if you want it too. People here are really friendly and very helpful so do stick around!
March 1st, 2010
I'm still rather new on here, too. Unless I'm popping on here in the evening after my kids are in bed, I don't have much time to look thru pictures other than those that I'm following. The way I've looked at photos has been clicking on the "browse" and looking at the photos from the day that catch my eye. Usually then I follow those that I like and in turn get people following me. The more you follow and follow you, the more your comments will increase. Maybe adding a line in your description asking for critique/comments would get some more responses. Just a thought.
March 1st, 2010
As much as I would love followers, what I would really like is to know if my photos are good and if not how I can do something better to make them stand out, crop different, etc... I love taking a picture everyday and doing something I don't normally do (I do family and childrens photos). I wonder if there is a way we can have a tag that is "critque" and then it would automatically go into a group of photos that we are looking to have critiqued and then people would know that we are open to feedback.

March 1st, 2010
Christie, I'm in the same position you're in. I've only been posting for a month, so maybe I just need to be more patient and hope that my pictures eventually get noticed more. However, I have to admit that it's really discouraging to spend all the time and effort working on a shot only to come back a day later and see that it's been viewed 1 time.

I like the idea of a "critique" tag. I'd be happy to comment on your photos if I could offer the technical direction that you're asking for, but I'm afraid my comments would be more aesthetic. In the meantime, I'll view your photos if you view mine. At least that way we'll know there's somebody out there enjoying our efforts.
March 1st, 2010
Yes, the "critique" sections of the discussions is a good way to get feedback on your pictures...

For me, it depends on what day it is! If I don't have much on, on one day, I'll have time to go through looking at lots of photos, and commenting on the ones I like... (I don't have the experience to give anybody criticism myself, so I tend to confine my comments to "I really like this!" or some such similar worthless gushing praise...) If it's a busy day, however, I'll just skim my home page quickly, and only click through to a photo if it really stands out and catches my eye...

As for today - I'm meant to be teaching right now, but it seems that my 6:30pm student is late, or can't come... So I'm using some unexpected free time on here!
March 1st, 2010
By the way Christie, you're getting TONS more views and feedback than I am. I'd be happy if I was getting half the responses you're getting.
March 1st, 2010
I think we need to remember, first and foremost, that the 365Project website was set up as a place to simply record each day in your life via photography. So not everyone that posts here is looking to give or receive feedback.

That being said, if you would like to get feedback on your photos then the Critique forum is definitely where you want to be.
March 1st, 2010
hey christie.. i trawl through the "browse" function on regaular days and see what that particular day has to offer. I tend to only really look closely at the ones that "jump" out at me but even that is alot per day. I have noticed that what looks good in thumbnail sometimes doesnt hold upwhen you take a closer look and some that may not pop as a thumbnail look really good blown. Tough one really
March 1st, 2010
I don't want to seem argumentative or anything, but if all I needed was a place to record my daily life via photography, I could keep a folder on my hard drive. I think a significant advantage to placing the photos in a public forum is the ability to appreciate and be inspired by the photos of others.

Obviously nobody has the time or the desire to view every photograph every day, let alone offer feedback on them. But, as I said earlier, it's disappointing when your photo only gets viewed once or twice. I had hoped that being part of the Alphabet Challenge would keep my pictures from being totally anonymous.

Agreed about the thumbnails though. Some pictures look better the way the thumbnail view crops them.
March 1st, 2010
April you are right. I guess I see so many professional looking pictures on here as well as themes and competetions, that I was thinking that critiques would just be a part of it. I don't really want to post every picture in the critques forum but I would love critiques myself. I see now that not everyone would like that though. That being said, it would be nice if we could just tag the word critique and then there would be a place with everyones photos who want true feedback without having to post each time in the critiques forum.

I was just wondering how it all worked since I am new here but it looks like I was overthinking it and was just excited to try something new and desperate for input and constructive criticism. Guess it was kind of a silly question. Thanks for all the replies! (blush)
March 1st, 2010
Well, I just had a quick look through your album, Christie, and your pictures are very professional-looking! You're clearly miles ahead of me, ability-wise, so I wouldn't know where to start if I tried to offer any critique - but I can say that I like your shots! :)
March 1st, 2010
I look through the people I follow on the homepage. Then I browse, and then I look at what is popular.
March 2nd, 2010
I think perhaps my reply came across the wrong way. What I meant was that there are many, many people posting on this site and not everyone is here for the same reason. Because I certainly find myself wondering at times, "Wow, there's so many people here, why hasn't anyone noticed this ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS PHOTO I TOOK?" And it might not have anything to do with how AMAZING MY PHOTOS ARE, it might just be that the people who happened to be on at the same time that I posted my BEAUTIFUL RENDERING OF NATURE weren't here to give critiques.

Now if I can just figure out when the "critique-y" people are on so I can post accordingly I'll soon be on my way to fame and fortune as a world famous photographer.

Please accept this reply with the healthy dose of tongue in cheek in which it was delivered. =)
March 2nd, 2010
Trouble is, April, the Critique-y people are probably in a private Critique Clique, who have their own channels of communication...

I think they arrange different times to meet online each day - sometimes in the middle of the night - and they're always changing their plans, to keep those of us outside the Critique Clique fooled...

Then they can give each other feedback as fast as possible, and scuttle away again, while the rest of us are all still wondering when they're going to put in an appearance, or trying to figure out their secret coded messages on a home-made replica "enigma machine" built from toilet-roll-tubes, string and gaffer tape...
March 2nd, 2010
Hey Christie,

I started here about 3 or 4 weeks ago and was blown away by some of the awesome photos here.

I just started commenting on the stuff I liked, usually through the BROWSE > POPULAR link. I found that the more I commented, the more comments I received.

I do like the idea of the "critique" tag and will definitely start to use it. I love getting CC on my shots - it's a great way to improve. At first I felt as if I wasn't in the position to give constructive criticism to ANYONE, but I left a few comments here and there and felt as if they were received in a good way. I'm by no means an expert in anything photography related, I'm just like many people on here, a photo enthusiast (and very green) who is loving learning and experimenting with this stuff.

Generally I browsed the photos from the people I follow, then if I have time I'll browse through the first 4 or 5 pages of photos for the day and check out the popular page.

I've started following you, so I won't miss your stuff. Perhaps add the "critique" tag to shots you want CC on and that might start the ball rolling.
March 2nd, 2010
I like the idea of a critique tag as well. April, do you want to initiate that since it was your idea? If you do, I'll start adding it to my photos as well.
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