How has 365 affected you?

January 9th, 2011
How has the project affected you, so far? I find myself being more aware of my surroundings, and I also feel more confident in that I am making art everyday. How about you?
January 10th, 2011
Ok I've been this since March 2010 and I think I've had three distinct phases. 1) starting out and trying to get used to taking a photo every day, 2) the transition from just snapping a pic of something to represent my day to trying to find something interesting in itself whilst still trying to keep the day by day feel of 365 (found the themes useful for this) and 3) the majority of days now being determined by the act of getting a shot for 365, kind of a total reversal of when I started out. My day now has to fit around my project (ok I still manage to function as a normal human being but you the the idea!)

I'm definitely more aware of my surroundings, like textures, patterns, people than before the project. I also think I've got a better idea of how to use my camera and what might make a decent shot.
January 10th, 2011
I see photos everywhere. :D
January 10th, 2011
Everything I see is analyzed as to it's "photoworthiness". Everything is fair game!
January 10th, 2011
@rich57 Thanks Rich. I figured people would have different responses based on how long they have been doing it. I am a Dad and a teacher and I am already feeling a little guilty. To help I am shooting as soon as possible, usually in the morning, and editing after dinner. I have to put a time limit on it, regardless. How much time a day does it take for you? And how has that changed since March 2010?
January 10th, 2011
@pocketmouse How do you structure your photography around being in med school?
January 10th, 2011
365 has turned my mother into a photo-tech-speak maniac! .....No seriously I see the world differently, and see the possibilities in subjects I wouldn't have before. I've also gotten out of my comfort zone ALOT more in order to "get a good shot"....and spurred me to finally take those photography courses I wanted to.
January 10th, 2011
@smapp I just carry my camera and iPhone around everywhere with me. I'm a dad too but both my kids are into the project as well. I don't feel any real pressure to get a shot though as I'm happy to put up a shot of the taps in the bath if that's all I've got! (actually that's today's shot!). I think I am lucky in that I'm self-employed so I can spend my lunch break or any spare bit of the working day taking photos or editing them.
January 10th, 2011
I'm happy I found this site, as I was getting too addicted to CityVille on FaceBook!!! Now I'm back where I belong! :-)
January 10th, 2011
@timandelke How does your family deal with it. I wonder how long my kids are going to put up with me.
January 10th, 2011
365 has replaced facebook for me. I didn't spend too much time on facebook anyway, but when I am on the computer, it's to look at pictures on here.
sometimes I find myself saying "yes" to more things only because there might be more photo opportunities and I'll have more options when I'm choosing a photo to represent my day.
January 10th, 2011
@kylapalin Nice. So your mom does it too. I am jealous. It would take it to another level to be doing it with someone else.
January 10th, 2011
@robynelizabeth Right. I started wit FB then Twitter. I still do the others but love that this is all structured around an activity.
January 10th, 2011
@eholle Ditto. I like that so many people are out there, struggling doing the same thing I am everyday.
January 10th, 2011
@smapp Our kids are grown. In fact, it was our daughter who introduced us to this site - thanks, Kyla! Seriously, though, I make it a policy to never upload shots of people without their permission, so my family feels safe whenever the camera comes out!
January 10th, 2011
I have only been in the 365 project for 10 days. However, I have seen a big improvement in my photography skills. As I go through my day, I am noticing photo ops. I almost laugh at myself when I watch a TV show, commercial, or movie. Instead of being interested in the story line, I am observing the shots and the angle of the shots.
January 10th, 2011
It has caused me to neglect my job, my family, and sometimes hygiene in pursuit of a "post-worthy" photo. I love it. Honestly, it's made me focus on a hobby that I love and often procrastinate with.
January 10th, 2011
I agree with @eholle, 365 has definitely replaced facebook for me. I used to spend a lot of time there, and now I would much rather prefer to be here! Wherever I go I see a picture waiting to be taken, and I learn to think outside the box. This project is one of the funnest things I've found! It interconnects the online world with real life, and it's so much fun to share pictures with other photo enthusiasts around the globe! :)
January 10th, 2011
It's addicting. I've only been here a short time and I'm hooked. Sort of hoping the newness wears off and I become more 'normal' again. lol... But I'm learning a lot and not just about photography and that's really cool.
January 10th, 2011
@jcrowley40 Funny!
January 10th, 2011
@refriedradio I have enjoyed the connection with other people, too. Even if it is only through their art, and only a virtual connection.
January 10th, 2011
@nanascraps Right. I wonder how it will feel a month from now, a year from now.
January 10th, 2011
Thanks everyone. That is it for me. I have to teach tomorrow, though it looks like we may have a short day because of the snow storm. Maybe it will make for some good photography!
January 10th, 2011
I like seeing the photos everyone else is taking. Pushes me to try and get better shots. I got the book for my camera out, after having it for three years, and am trying to fiddle with the manual settings to get shots. I want a tri-pod and a better flash. I'm playing with Apeture on my mac to do some editing. All things I've wanted to do and this project has prompted me to do that. And spend less time on facebook/wastebook!
January 10th, 2011
@smapp ~ With great difficulty. :D

I am on holidays now until the 19th. It's much easier during the summer months when the days are longer, and when I get home from university and there's still light outside. But during winter I get home and it's dark and I have to be imaginative with whatever's at my disposal in my house. I do have my parents and siblings at home who usually oblige my random photo requests, and that helps a lot. :)

And my confession is that I take a photo not every day. But I do take one most days. The last time I used a filler was just after Christmas.
January 10th, 2011
For me its manged to bring a purpose and direction to a hobby I have held for years. Before 365 I might have captured 1 or 2 good shots a fortnight but now I feel like I capture a great shot everyday (with one or two exceptions lol).

And I look forward to being able to look back on my shots in the future as a sort of Diary of my year.

Plus its great to receive and give praise from like minded people who enjoy the same hobby.
January 10th, 2011
@cccoupland I like the diary idea. This project seems so simple, yet has so many different aspects to it.
January 12th, 2011
I've improved heaps and extend myself further at every opportunity or when my will is happening. I see creative photo opportunities more often ... like at the Dr this morning. I've set up a meeting with him to practise my skills on this coloured family.
January 12th, 2011
Absolutely and utterly addictive! I'm thinking about it an awful lot!

I'm not really a photographer, but I want to get better, and I want to be able to think of "good" / "cool" things to photograph!!

I can't wait til I can get home and log in and see what everyone's been doing!!!
January 12th, 2011
It has certainly replaced Facebook and the other online sites I'm part of. It has really given me the confidence to explore the crazy creative side of me that I have been dying for an outlet for. This community is so encouraging and supportive I have thrown myself into that side and feel so comfortable doing so.
January 13th, 2011
@daisy I have always felt like I see the world differently after visiting an art museum. But your right ,you see it on another level when you are mqking the art yourself.
January 13th, 2011
@refriedradio I look forward to coming home and seeing email from 365. It so cool how we are making art with people all over the world.
January 13th, 2011
I agree with @pocketmouse - I see photos everywhere. Thankfully, I can already tell that I am getting better at filtering out the bad ones from the good ones even before I take them!
January 13th, 2011
For me I got to carry my camera everyday and my travelling time is longer since every time I see something worth a shot I stop and shot. But its addictive, tiring but I really loving it!
January 13th, 2011
@ericmabalot Right Eric. I also like how 365 slows you down
January 13th, 2011
@photophil How many pics do you usually take in a day?
January 13th, 2011
I decided to do a photo a day, but to use the " Today I'm thankful for" theme ... so it's keeping me more positive
January 13th, 2011
@bronwynsa Themes are always a great way to keep you going not only on this project, but as an artist. P.S. love the name. Bronwyn is my oldest daughter's middle name.
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