Posted Dates

March 1st, 2010
I've noticed some discrepancies in posting dates/times, which I assume is due to the 8 hour time difference between the UK and California. However, there ALSO seem to be some "DateTaken" stamps which don't jibe with my records. Does the site convert those times (date taken) to UTC/Greenwich Mean Time automatically?

It's really a non issue -- just wondering how things work....
March 1st, 2010
If you go to your settings, you can change the time zone which should correct most of the time issues. Let me know if that works.
March 1st, 2010
Thanks Debbie, My time zone is set for my location. Im thinking now that since I recently bought my camera (slightly) used, the previous owner may have settings I need to change. When I first got it my main goal was to get the Language reset from Chinese!
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