Lost with the theme???

January 11th, 2011
How and where do I add photos to the theme/competition, I have just joined and I'm very lost.
January 11th, 2011
In the process of adding a photo, the last step is "confirm dates and add tags." That's when you'll add "theme-moviescene" (without the quotations) as a tag, and voila, you're picture will be added to the theme. :)
January 11th, 2011
when you upload a photo there is a section called "tags"- in that box you put it
theme-moviescene (no spaces). If you have already uploaded the photo you can hit the edit button that is at the top of your photo. The tagging for the theme is always the same, ie: the tag is theme-(whatever the theme is). Good luck :D
January 11th, 2011
What the two ladies said.
January 11th, 2011
If you have already uploaded the picture, use the edit button to add the tags. Be sure to save it afterwards.
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