March 14th, 2010
I see that some participants do not use the TAGS part. Sometimes I want to go back to a certain photo, but without a tag, is there a way I can get to it. I try the persons name and that doesn't work, There may be some people out there that aren't aware about how the tag works. It took me a few times to understand it,
March 14th, 2010
Maybe have a look in your browser history? But apart from simply looking through the person's calandar, it is hard.

If you can remember what some of the description was maybe you can do a Google search for "site:365project.org ". But you run the risk of getting a few hundred results (1,250 for the word "Red" alone!).
March 14th, 2010
Personally I just forget a lot of times. I do understand tags, but it takes time to think of relevant key words. Most days I barely have to time upload photos, let alone add tags. Although I do agree with you that it would make things easier if everyone would use them.
March 15th, 2010
When I go to Search and put in "abc-d", for instance, it comes up, "no results were found for your search". I've found the search engine a bit discouraging.
March 15th, 2010
Yeah - for the alphabet challenge, if I want to go to a particular letter, I have to go to my own photo for that letter, then click on the abc-m (or whatever letter) tag.

I have not used many other tags for my photos. I just figured there were already so many "girl" "child" "pink" photos it would not really help anyway. :)

March 15th, 2010
I have tried to search for certain tags but when I click on "tags" in the "browse" section I get a blank page, so have never been able to do it.
March 15th, 2010
I dont understand how the tag thingy works, :o(
March 16th, 2010
Judiff, I see when you submit a photo for a theam you put in a (tag) you can do the same thing on your general photo's just several (if you want) one word tags relating to the photo, as far as the (Tag) selection at the top of the page when you go to (browse) that doesn't work for me either
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