Any advice for shooting a wedding?!

February 12th, 2011
My cousin is marrying the man of her dreams on Monday :) They are on a low budget, so she asked me if I would be willing to take their photographs. She wanted to pay me, but I said, "No way!! I'm just an amateur!" Ever since I uttered those words, I've been so nervous wondering what I got myself into!! These are pictures she is going to look back on for the rest of her life! I am so nervous I will mess it up for her, and not do a good job. Any advice anyone can offer me would be so greatly appreciated, because I am totally freaking out!! Thanks in advance :)
February 12th, 2011
There was a similar thread started yesterday or the day before about shooting a wedding for the first time. You might wanna look that up, but I can tell you this briefly: there is no such thing as a person with a bad eye for wedding photography, only bad equipment.

At the bare minimum to properly shoot a wedding you need two camera bodies, lenses in the range of 12-24, 24-70, and 70-200mm, two speedlights, about 8GB worth of memory cards, and the knowledge of how to quickly and effectively shoot in fully manual mode with your camera and use the strobes for fill flash.

Not trying to scare you away, but I've seen dozens of weddings shot by people who just didn't have the right equipment to start with. While many areas of photography don't require much equipment other than just a standard camera and kit lens, weddings are very, very different.
February 12th, 2011
@jasonbarnette ah!! hahaha, thank you for the info! hopefully, my dad will help me out with lending me some equipment!!
February 12th, 2011
There are online guides to what type of photographs to take. I also recommend looking at the wedding photographers web pages and see what type of photos they take. You might want to shoot some in color and some in B & W.
February 12th, 2011
@daisy thank you for the advice!! appreciate it:)
February 12th, 2011
I would say.... having really good attention to detail.

When I got my wedding pictures back... I was livid. The photographer didn't "notice" things in the background of our posed pictures... that shouldn't have been in the pictures. He didn't tell the girls when their hair was out of place.. (drastically out of place, ruining the picture) things that, had I been taking the pictures.. I would have noticed...

Anyway yeah...I would just try and pay attention to the little things... and take LOTS of pictures.. I believe I was given a disk with 800 pictures and even then I wish I had more :)

Good luck!!! :)
February 12th, 2011
@bettyyeddi thanks!! That's smart advice:)
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