Help! How can I change the project name??

February 13th, 2011
So, my nickname is Skwii.

I'd also want to change the name which you reply to me by to @skwii. But it's @ulkuniemi now and I can't find any ways to change it? Can it be changed?

I got a bit careless while joining and this is how it turned out.... Thanks if you have a solution... :)
February 13th, 2011
You menu at the top of screen > settings > display name :)
February 13th, 2011
.@ulkuniemi ,, they there. go to the top of your page.. to Home you upload etc.

click on you and when the box drops click on settings,, your whole profile page will come up.. and you can change anything you want on that pages.. then click on save and you will be good to go!! hope this helps
February 13th, 2011
Oh wait...i think that's wrong. Hold on.
I don't think you can change your reply name, only your display name.
I may be wrong...i'm not very smart.
February 13th, 2011
@craigdtull , yes you can I just did it!!
February 13th, 2011
@nikkers yeah, you did! But doesn't he want to change the @username bit, not the display name!?!? I'm so confused. It's sunday and i'm confused.
February 13th, 2011
@craigdtull . oh I read it that he wants to change the way we reply to him as it is currently @ulkuniemi and he wants @Skwii.
oh now you have me confused... maybe its just my big nose getting in the way...
and that little snot A woke me at 7am with the words screeching from his big mouth COMPUTER ALARM ALERT!!!!! he has an interactive pc game that has a steering wheel console you put over the keyboard and he put it on wrong and the pc went CRAZY.
now that I have board you with my life are you still confused? I know I am !!
February 13th, 2011
@nikkers oh, i'm confused like you wouldn't believe. Who let that kid out of the cupboard? Sheesh.
February 13th, 2011
@craigdtull @nikkers

Haha :) Umm, yeah, I want my display name to be skwii, but I wanna change the @ulkuniemi to @skwii when ppl reply to me :)
February 13th, 2011
Yeah, as far as i can tell you can't change that :(
February 13th, 2011
@craigdtull little snot nibbled a whole like the rat he is...... will have to put him in steal box nest time!!
February 13th, 2011
@ulkuniemi . I think some one asked this q awhile ago and the answer was I think, they had to delete their current account and re do it with the new names.. not sure.. maybe someone else knows..... or you could email Ross to see if it can be done! sorry couldnt help more!
February 13th, 2011
You can't change the url - only the display name
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