Selling photos online

February 15th, 2011
I'm no where near good enough for this but have seen a few other discussions on forums saying even novices can make money from places like Fotolia, istock etc etc.

I have heard claims that people earn a full time wage from these but I'm very sceptical about this!

Any experiences you can share with me?

Thanks in advance : )
February 15th, 2011
No knowledge I'm afraid, but I'd be interested to hear any opinions as well.
February 15th, 2011
Same here . Love to sell it, but no idea how. waiting also someone who could detail how to start. Thanks for the discussion.
February 15th, 2011
Hi Araminta

I don't actually have any experience either but my teacher told me the other night I should be putting my portraits on a stock sight. She said we are going to do something else (sorry I don't know much other than it's a design thing)and you put it somewhere and it can make a few grand over a couple of years.

I'll give you the info when I find out though if your interested. :)
February 15th, 2011
@busymum Yes please that would be fab! Your portraits are so adorable I'm sure they will do well xx

@blueburn11 @ellida Glad its not just me wondering!
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