my annual quest for just the right gear to take on vacation...

July 6th, 2019
we're planning another walking trip in Europe... this will be the 4th trip we've taken with this organization and i am really looking forward to it. But as always, now comes the angst of what gear to take... you'd think i'd've figured it out by now 😂

the last three times i had a good camera and a good lens with me... and each time i wondered whether that was really necessary - convinced as i was that the kid with the point in shoot prolly got just as good pictures as i did - if not better cuz he wasn't fiddling about with settings... and of course the weight was dragging me down some...

my options are:

1. the oly with the good (and somewhat weighty) 12-100 mm f/4 lens
2. the oly with the good (and not quite so weighty) 12 to 42 mm f/2.8lens
3. the oly with the cheap (and small and light) 12-42mm f/4.5 lens
4. my TG tough iv (point and shoot)
5. something else that i haven't thought of yet

i would, of course, bring the oly with a couple lens options for early morning and evening light shooting when we're not walking about...

the trips are not focussed on photography... and while there have been other photo enthusiasts along, they haven't been quite so manic as i... i'm always trailing behind everyone when i'm taking photos - and i don't actually end up doing anything with most of them... a good many of the shots i've posted from these trips were either NOT taken during the walking day, or would likely have been just as good with the TG tough...

July 6th, 2019
I always carry my Nikon camera with me as I love the flexibility and creativity of the manual settings.

However in 2017 we visted Europe, all the way from Australia. I decided not to take my camera at all on this trip - as previous times I felt I missed out on the holiday aspect of the trip. I only used our camera phones during the 5 weeks we were away. I have to say that I enjoyed the holiday immensely and got some great shots also that I was just as proud of.

Photography is my passion, but using my camera phone was liberating when I wanted to enjoy the holiday.

Maybe take your point and shoot and try it out. I mean you said you are taking your other gear for use outside the walking around. This means if you check your photos on the point and shoot and you aren't happy you have the option to change to the Oly and a different lens next time you're out and about walking.

Just my thoughts...
July 6th, 2019
I’m no expert but how’s about a nice prime for walk about
More importantly... where in Europe are you going 😬😁
July 6th, 2019
I don’t use a big heavy camera but I do travel and I’ve mostly been more than happy with my phone and/or point and shoot photos. I do notice how isolating it can be sometimes for those left behind fiddling with lenses and settings so my suggestion is to use your point and shoot
July 6th, 2019
@kgolab @brigette @kjarn thank you... and yes - you are exactly right that likely the P&S will do... but i'm just not sure i can bring myself to carry just the P&S... i was toying with the idea of using the cheap light lens on the oly... and then started doing some research and am now considering a new 12-60 lens... i really really need to stop this!
July 7th, 2019
Slightly off-topic but how are you carrying your gear around? I have two main walkabout bags - one for when I'm taking the 600mm on track days and the other for just wandering about with a couple of lenses. With the second one, I barely notice the weight at all. It usually has my a6300 with 16-70mm, a 10-18mm and a 55-210mm plus bits and pieces in the rucksack bit. And my Splat of course. ;)

The reason I ask is I used to just put a camera & lens in my handbag and really noticed the weight, but after transitioning to a proper bag, I was much more comfortable.

That said, I've been more than happy with taking only the little RX100 on recent London trips. It's liberating in the same way the X100 was - it's what you've got and you stop overthinking and just shoot.
July 7th, 2019
@humphreyhippo hmmm... you mean you carry your camera in your BAG????? 😂 when i'm on the walking trips my camera is on my cross-body strap... the only time i recall putting it away while walking was when we were "hiking" (it was more like climbing) up to Angels Landing at Zion national park... oh and once when i was hiking in the winter and had been out longer than i should've been and was just too cold and tired to care anymore...

i do have a proper camera gear backpack, but mostly i carry something smaller and lighter... i rarely bother with an extra lens unless i am going somewhere specific where i know i will want it... my camera will fit nicely in my pack, and likely wouldn't weigh me down if it were there (i think the water bottle is heavier), but i'd prolly be stopping every 5 minutes to haul it out... did i mention i am rather obsessive?

anyhoo... i'm still debating... my husband seems to have acquired interest in me obtaining a new lens (who-all knows why)... i still have a few weeks to think about it, including a week at the cottage where perhaps i will experiment with hiking with just the P&S...
July 8th, 2019
If you want a fun versatile cheap awesome wide-er prime, I have really really really enjoyed my rokinon 16mm f2. Only manual focus, but it turns like butter and is tack sharp. Best prime I have ever manually focused, and it does make you slow down to think about what you can and can't do. . .

It has almost completely replaced my 10-24, but I still love to play with the 10mm (15 apsc) distortion from time to time.
July 8th, 2019
@northy Ha! I tend to have a long walk before getting to anything pretty. ;)
July 9th, 2019
Prime lenses are great for walking... I have a 35mm and a 50mm. The 35 is quite wide, wide enough for most shots. Since I got these I feel a lot freer on my walks and keep up with Neil a lot more. My 70-200mm is heavy and I tend to use it on short stints or when I am alone and have time to play.
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