BIG help needed please!

February 21st, 2011

I've been a member of the 365 Project since the beginning of this year. I've met a lot of great people on here, mostly because I have a big mouth and tend to make a big mark on these discussion boards. Today, I have a completely different kind of mark to make.

I am a professional photographer in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. On April 12, 2011, I will begin a new, four-year project titled Photographing the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War.

This project will take four years and thousands of miles to complete. My goal is to publish a photography book focusing on the reenactment of the 150th anniversary of all major battles in the Civil War.

This is by far the largest photography project I have tackled to date. This will take a lot of planning, even more traveling, and costs a lot of money to complete.

I have a lot of information in a couple of places, but the biggest help I need from all my fellow photographers here is with my Kickstarter project. Kickstarter is a site that helps people get donations for their projects. I have started a project to raise $7,000 to buy a new camera body and cover travel expenses for the first year of this project. At the very least, I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would share all these links below.

The more recognition I can get for this project, the more support I can get. Thanks everyone!

Kickstarter Page:

Photography Website:

Blog Introduction:

Facebook Page:
February 21st, 2011
sure will post and let people know to support you... wow what an endeavor you are starting on.... Hope Im around to see the end result. :)

just posted your facebook link on my facebook page.

Keep reminding me every so often okay...
February 21st, 2011
what a great project...hope you make it to Alton, Illinois. We have some interesting Civil War history here. Elijah P. Lovejoy and a prison...among other things.
February 21st, 2011
Wow what a fantastic and challenging undertaking, but one that I'm sure will be rewarding. I can't wait to see the final out come. I will be sure to post your links on my facebook pages. Good luck to you as you embark on this fantastic journey.
February 21st, 2011
I also posted your facebook link on my fb page! Best of luck to you on your project.
February 21st, 2011
I have several civil war reenactment friends that I am sure would be glad to help. I will pass along your information.

Good Luck!
February 21st, 2011
Wow, that is inspiring! I would love to learn more of the behind the scenes and how one goes about accomplishing this task. Good luck!
February 21st, 2011
I will post the links on my page! Good luck!
February 21st, 2011
I also pledged. Hope your funding comes through.
February 21st, 2011
You got it! I am a coalition member at Historic Fort Wayne (a civil war built fort) in Michigan......and we do reenactments there. So, I will post those sights on my facebook, and hopefully will get you some financial help!!!

Good luck on this awesome project!
February 21st, 2011
Good luck! Sounds like an amazing project-- I hope to see your book at a store someday in four years.
February 21st, 2011
it sounds like you are going to need a lot of coffee for late night work sessions as well
February 21st, 2011
I will pass this onto my nephew who is a history graduate student. He works as a teacher assistant in a historical archive and has museum contacts. He was an intern at the Wilson Creek (Missouri) Civil War site at one time. He seems to have the history buff type connections.
February 21st, 2011
Wow!!! Sounds like fun and hard work. I know you'll enjoy it. Keep us up to date with how it's going. I'll support you.
February 22nd, 2011
@nikkers I'll post reminders once a week on the 365 Project, but I'm posting daily reminders on my Facebook Page if you haven't found that yet. Thanks for the help!

@msk1p2 So far, I'm traveling to 18 states, over 300 battles, in four years. Take THAT Michelin Man. I will be making to Illinois for a few battles I think, but of course the fun part about this project will be my "side excursions" to other interesting places! Thank you!

@rebcastillo77 Thanks for the help, Rebecca! Providing I can get this initial boost to get me through the first year, you'll be able to keep up to date with photos from my website, blog, and Facebook Page. don't exactly have to wait four years!

@ca_dev Thank you for your support!

@mej2011 Melissa, thank you! And please, let them know this photography book is for the reenactors. They will be the feature of every photo I take.

@jeancarl Thanks for you support!

@aj1268 Aww! Paula, you were my first pledge. So, even though it wasn't a specified reward, if I get this funding established I am giving you a free book for helping! Thank you so much!

@deesdiscoveries Dee, you may just become my new best friend! Thanks for the support. If you have any means of getting this information out to websites, blogs, and newsletters I would appreciate it. I only have 29 days left to secure my goal!

@chien When I first started photography, I NEVER thought I'd be publishing a photo book. So, one day when I'm famous for this book, come to a book signing haha!

@cchambers Fortunately, I am a nightowl. Unfortunately, I am a nightowl haha. I think instead of a morning wake up call from the hotel front desk, I may need someone to just inject adrenaline straight into my heart!

@daisy Kathryn, you may become my second newest best friend. Sorry, Dee already snagged first place. I only have 29 days through Kickstarter to secure the $7,000 goal, or I don't get anything. So, any contacts, help, word of mouth would be really appreciated. Thanks for your support!

@kirsty1975 Thanks Kirsty! I saw you found my Facebook Page today, so I'll definitely keep you up to date with everything there. Please, just keep getting the word out there about what I'm doing. Thank you so much!

OK, I think that's got everyone. Have any of you ever heard of the Fork Split Effect? Probably not, cause I was the one who made up the term!

Basically, I think that you can get the best support if you share something with two friends, and then ask them to share it with two more, and so on. Before long, thousands of people could know about something.

So please, share this discussion with other 365er friends. There are thousands active on here, so who knows how many more would be interested in spreading the word!

Remember, I only have 29 days left to secure all $7,000...or I don't get anything. Without this "kickstart", I don't know if I can afford to pay out of pocket for all my travel expenses for this first year. Please help me! Thank you!
February 22nd, 2011

I just talked to a friend of mine who is involved in re enactment. Her unit or whatever you want to call it has a meeting early next week and she will introduce your project to the group and see what they can contribute. Feel free to contact her and provide more information or introduce yourself if you feel so inclined.
February 22nd, 2011
@jasonbarnette I hope you get your funding.
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