Suggestions/Advice for Yearly Learning Challenges

December 31st, 2020
I am looking for advice or suggestions on what you have done yearly to keep learning and trying new things with your camera.

I have heard you can do A Year With My Camera. If you have done this I would love to know what you thought of it. If you know of other things similar to this I would be interested as well. I would prefer things that you do not have to pay for.

If you have people that you follow on Utube that you really like I would be curious who they are. I will admit I am not great with videos though.

If you have a book that you really enjoyed working through I would love to know which one. I have done several of Scott Kelby's Lightroom and Photoshop books.

BTW I use both Lightroom and Photoshop and I would consider myself more of an intermediate learner for these two software programs. I am always open to learning more at any level though.

I want to try to do some fun and perhaps different things than just basic edits. Mostly what I do each day is basic editing and I need something different. I want to get outside of my little box:)

I would truly appreciate your comments and I thank you in advance for them. Terri
December 31st, 2020
I did AYWMC and learnt a lot from the course and combined 365 and AYWMC. I wasn't a novice photographer at the start but had little understanding of what I was doing. It's free and if you don't like it just stop!!

Here on 365 the get-pushed challenges are wonderful learning opportunities, and can opt in and fact all the challenges are fun, or just take part in the month of words, and the monthly themes ( feb- black and white, mar - rainbow Apr - shoot one subject ) or set a theme for yourself and invite others to join in. Do Ross's monthly challenge, join in with Thedarkroom and fiveplustwo.

I could go on.........

Have fun in 2021 Terri

December 31st, 2020
I recommend any and/or all of the challenges. There are so many different ones that it can help you focus on different styles and techniqes that you may not have considered and it is all in good fun with the possibility of learning at the same time!
December 31st, 2020
i recommend michael freeman's "the photographer's eye" which deals with composition and has photographs accompanying his explanations.

also something less than $10, is freeman patterson's "photography and the art of seeing" which was a book we use at one time for the flash of red month of february. watch for that challenge in february where you have to shoot and post in black and white. i used to not like black and white but you get to appreciate the details and learn a lot about what you photograph.

there are a lot of challenges that you can join in, and we have this 52-week photography challenge that we do every year. you can also make your own challenge just for yourself. in 2018, i shot a clock every week of the year and that stretches your creativity with just one mundane subject.

in 2017, i did the '52 portraits of me' challenged based on prompts that were given to me by a friend. with self portraits, you get to learn so much about the importance of lighting.

a couple of challenges that are on-going that you should consider doing every now and then are the artist challenge (you get to learn about other photographers by emulating their style) and the get-pushed challenge where you're partnered with a different member every week and you issue each other a challenge. your LR and PS skills will be put to use and more. the other challenges also will challenge you to see your subjects in a different way, hone your techniques in a very fun but creative way.

enjoy the year and we will look forward to seeing your photos.
December 31st, 2020
I started AYWMC in April. It is free to join and you get weekly emails but the workbooks I found invaluable as extra guidance but there is a cost (available on Amazon) I work at my own pace and continue to learn. 365 is a fabulous community and a good place to get hints and tips. The challenges are fun but not explored get pushed yet.
December 31st, 2020

I did find some inspiration on my shelves when I took the time to look. I think I may just try to work with some of these and perhaps some of your other suggestions.
December 31st, 2020
@wakelys Thank you for your help. I am going to think about this. I may try the free emails and see how it goes. I am not sure that I want to buy the workbooks at this point.
December 31st, 2020
@summerfield Thank you for your suggestions. I am not sure where to go to see what the weekly challenges are on the site. I found out that I have one of the two books that you mentioned along with some others that I may use.
December 31st, 2020
@grammyn I may consider trying some of them. Years ago I tried the partner challenge and I was pretty bad at it as I remember.
December 31st, 2020
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thanks I will look into participating in some of the challenges. I have done bw February before but not the others.
December 31st, 2020
We used to have to search all over the place to find the challenges but Wendy @farmreporter Has been doing a magnificent job of informing the community once a week of all the running challenges. You can see it here for this week.
December 31st, 2020
@photograndma - terry, there's a list that comes out every thursday with all the on-going challenges. today it came out as "The New Year's Edition of the Weekly SH*T List". you will find it under "General" in the Discuss tab at the top of your 365 screen or today on the right hand panel of this discussion board.
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