Lost all my past pictures?

January 1st, 2021
Hi all - I missed a couple of years due to health issues and wanted to start fresh this year again. It looks like all of my past posted pictures are gone? I signed up to be ace thinking they might show up, but nothing yet. I’ve added a few past pictures but this just makes me sad...Any thoughts?
January 1st, 2021
@susan727 Oh no! I'm afraid I don't have a fix as I would have thought they'd have shown up after rejoining. Perhaps contact Ross @Scrivna for assistance?
January 1st, 2021
I could be wrong but I think I read somewhere that you have to remain an ace member during your absence to keep your photos.
January 1st, 2021
I am afraid I have bad news! This sight only keeps your pics for two years. You should back up your own pics.
January 2nd, 2021
Oh well, thanks everyone - a fresh start then :)
January 2nd, 2021
Go for it, Susan!
January 2nd, 2021
> "This sight only keeps your pics for two years."

I just checked and found that my first photo, posted on 11 Nov 2014, exists as a thumbnail for the album month view, as small size for the day, and as full size when clicking on the day's photo. I found the same for the others in Nov and Dec 2014 which I randomly checked.
January 2nd, 2021
Hey folks, the statement that we only keep your photos for 2 years isn't accurate.

If you are an ace member and keep your membership paid and active, your photos will be kept throughout the time you're Ace membership is active, and will definitely not be removed during that time.

For non-paid members, we are unable to store photos forever (it's expensive to store photos of unused accounts) so we close those accounts after 6 months of inactivity (if you haven't logged in to 365 during that time) ... and when the account is closed, the photos are permanently removed.

This isn't something we want to do, but something we have to do, else the site would be too costly to run and we'd have to close it down entirely, so it is unfortunate when we have to close accounts, but it's necessary to keep the site running.

If anyone has any questions about this, or would like some clarification, you can contact me at ross@365project.org
January 2nd, 2021
@Scrivna sounds fair enough to me, ross, and can i just take this opportunity to thank you once again for all you do to keep this wonderful community going? i don't know where i'd be without it and i imagine that many others feel the same. your commitment is very much appreciated :))))
January 4th, 2021
@Scrivna - thanks for responding and I completely understand. Part of me misses those pix because I was feeling better at the time and now wonder if I can find the energy to do well. The other part thinks I need a fresh start to find the nerdy and creativity. Thanks again all -susan
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