
January 3rd, 2021
Hi new member here. Is this platform actually supported? Don't seem to be able to get any form of help.

I joined 1st Jan, upgraded to Ace and then promptly forgot my password (It's an age thing!).

This account is a temp so I can post in the discussions.

I have whitelisted the domain and tried the reset a few times, but I don't receive the email. It's not in spam.

I receive emails from others so I know my email account is fine [].

@scrivna, Ross, I have emailed you a couple of times with the details. Appreciate it was a holiday 1st, and from what I can gather, you are now in Canada not England, so a significant time difference, but I do need your help please.

My locked account is

Thanks in advance

January 3rd, 2021
hope you get help soon Ross is usually really fast at helping and he is the support.
January 3rd, 2021
Thanks for that. Yes Ross, @scrivna has been in touch, just waiting to hear from him again and hopefully I will be up and running!
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