Please Help Support The Arts!!

February 26th, 2011
Hello Fellow 365ers

My name is Elise. I've been on this site since September of last year. Since that time, I've noticed how wonderfully supportive people here truly are!

That brings me to why I am starting this discussion. My fiance is an independent filmmaker. He has already completed one short film with no budget, but his next project requires help from donations.

His company is called Lamplight Productions. Please check out this website.

That's a link to their project where you can make donations for as little as $1. It talks about the film and you can view a trailer. I know it's not exactly photography based, but he does shoot everything by himself with a Canon 7D. Kind of like cinamatography meets photography.

If you could find it in your heart to help out a great indepedent film venture, I'd appreciate it! Thanks so much for your time! And feel free to spread the word to any and all!

If you want to learn more about what my fiance is trying to do with his life, read here!
February 27th, 2011
iv done makeup on several shoet films and most for no money...u have to to be dedicated and love the film industry or you cant do it..long hours hard work...very little glamour lol...i wish him luck x
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