Help this family raise money for their precious daughter Madeline

February 27th, 2011
So a couple weeks ago I learned about this family that is going through the unthinkable. They found out their precious daughter Madeline was going to die. Madeline was diagnosed with an inoperable, malignant brain tumor called DIPG [Deep Infiltrating Pontine Glioma] I can't even imagine the pain that they are going through at this time.

Maddie has a deep love of the ocean, always has. She went to summer camp this last summer in Dana Point, and absolutely loved it. So they have started a foundation in their daughters name called the Maddie James Foundation. They are raising money to help build the Seaside Learning Center for The Ocean Institute in Dana Point in honor of their daughter. Here is the info on the Ocean Institute :

Ok so this is what I am asking. A friend of theirs submitted a photo to the Orange County Register here in California. It is a photo contest, and the winner will be featured in the newspaper, which of course will help them raise money to make this happen. Its really easy to vote, and you can vote 10 times an hour. EVERY VOTE WILL HELP!!!
Its a picture of a little girl (Maddie) kissing her mom

For more info on Maddie James:

Thank you so much for taking your time
February 27th, 2011
Voted, beautiful story, can't imagine. Thanks for sharing.
February 27th, 2011
Wow... emotional story, and a beautiful photo. A girl I know just died of brain cancer two days ago. I will vote.
February 27th, 2011
Voted three times already tonight! Almost at 100,000 votes. :)
February 27th, 2011
@ayerish @kelseyyx23 @semrants Thank you so much! yes very heartbreaking, but yep they are in the lead right now, but surfer boy is in a close second, so every vote counts, and you can vote 10 times an hour!
February 27th, 2011
There...put the widget on my Facebook page. Hope it helps!
February 27th, 2011
@ayerish thank you Tammy xoxox! We can do this!
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