unwanted comments on my photos

August 8th, 2021
Almost once a week someone sends me this comment on my 365 photos.
Of course I never open this message and I put it into the junk e-mail folder, but they keep coming.
What more can I do?
August 8th, 2021
I can see that would be annoying! It sounds like a spam account on 365. If I understand correctly, you are getting emails from Project365 which are triggered because some left a comment on your photo. The comment itself is spam, so presumably it was left by a spam account. Have you flagged for @scrivna? He could look into the account.
August 8th, 2021
When it happens again, tell Ross by commenting @scrivna in the comments box of that photograph, and he will magically remove comment and spammer!!
August 9th, 2021
Hi @gijsje - sorry to hear they are bothering you, could you send me a link to one of the photos with these comments please, I will then investigate this further to try and battle these spammers.
August 9th, 2021
@Scrivna seems a never ending battle for yu Ross!!
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