Enhancing Photographs - GIMP & Photopea

September 30th, 2021
Hi guys! So I'm trying out photopea and gimp to give my photo a better pop of color. I can manage a very basic color enhancement but when I export it, I can't upload it because it's too big.

I can't figure out how to export it so the info is still there in exif when I upload it. I just ended up exporting as a jpg so there's no photo info. Can anyone using either of the above give me any advice please and thank you:-)
September 30th, 2021
Here's how to scale an image in Gimp. At the top of the window are menu items starting with File and ending with Help. Before exporting, click on Image, then click on Scale Image. That opens a dialog box. If you specify either Width or Height, the other will automatically adjust to keep the same ratio as the image you're scaling down. If you want to adjust Height and Width independently click on the small icon to the right of the Height and Width boxes. It looks like a link in a chain until you click on it, then it looks like a broken chain link.

Until recently, Gimp wouldn't preserve the exif from imported TIF files. Other than that, I've had no problems with lost exif info.

Are you sure the file you imported into Gimp had exif data? One easy way to check, if you use Windows, is use the File Explorer to locate the file, then right click on the file, goto the bottom of the list that popped up and click on Properties. That opens a small window. Click on its Details tab, then scroll down for exif.

October 1st, 2021
Ah... thank you so much for your reply! Super helpful and I can find my exif data for my own pics too now!
October 1st, 2021
@amarante You're welcome!
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