The water-marbling thing..

March 3rd, 2011
I saw the photos (and youtube videos) and thought "how cool! I have got to try this" which is the great thing about 365.. Since starting this project i've been so open to trying new things and Ive felt that ive succeeded with a lot of them.. Unfortunately, the water marbling didn't result the same way.I will say that i dramatically and horribly failed at it. Not only did i fail completely at it, I made a huge mess on the table and on me. and with my luck of that, i forgot to check if we had nail polish remover before hand.. Lets just say, i spent a longgggggg time scrubbing with a sponge, hot water and soap. lol

@amyhughes How on earth did you do it so neatly and perfectly?

March 3rd, 2011
oh no!!!! Tell me how you did it...maybe I can help!
March 3rd, 2011
I got the cup of water, dropped different colors of nail polish in.. swirled it around and dipped my taped finger (the pink taped one) into it.. when it went in it all clumped together and just got everywhere.. Im not sure why it clumped up in the water when i got my finger in it though.. lol
March 3rd, 2011
ok that happened to me on a few of them. What we realized is that you have to do the dropping of the polish quickly so it doesn't dry to be tacky, and for some reason in the water that happened pretty quick. Also only use one drop of nail polish on the water for each color and make sure it spreads. The end result is really a very thin thin layer of paint. I think if you add too much paint in there it won't give you the effect.
Then make sure you dip your finger in like you are laying your nail on top of the paint. But then immediately have it so where your finger is pointing down. And also while it is in the water smooth the edges of the paint around your finger (the parts that are left floating next to your finger) We kept it in the water for about 15 seconds. Then pull it back out of the water slowly and make sure it is at that straight up and down angle. Otherwise we were seeing that the water was catching under the actual paint and causing the goopy look.

Will you let me know if you try that and see if that works?
March 3rd, 2011
here is the starting point:

All those colors are really one drop of each nail color that spread out. You drop one in (try not to touch the water with your brush) and wait a sec and it'll spread. Then drop the next. Also, That's in a coffee cup. The fact that I shot it macro is a bit misleading, makes it look larger. Anyway, we found the white we had was a great base because it spread so well. You may find the color you have that is like that. And this was about the max colors we could use before it got too thick and also was hard to push around because of the time.
March 3rd, 2011
OH! I remembered one more thing. Mina kept attaching one little piece to the side of the coffee cup before she began marbling it like this. maybe it was so it wouldn't move around? But that may have something to do with it not clumping too.
March 3rd, 2011
ah! Thank you! Very much! Ill definitely try it and let you know.. Ill probably wait til tomorrow though, after i buy some finger nail polish remover lol Thanks again! :)
March 3rd, 2011
sorry I keep re reading what you said...make sure you don't just swirl it around. All of it was in a small circle (like a bullseye once all the colors were on the surface) and then she gently pulled some in or out to make the strands that mix like that. So it's still in a thin layer on top, just with those designs that were pulled around a bit. That's when you lay your finger on it and then push your finger into the water, and that has to be done quickly too.
March 3rd, 2011
Don't know if this helps or not but my daughter does it to her nails and when she first started she had problems - she finds that the better quality the nail polish, the better it works.
March 3rd, 2011
@amyhughes Alrighty!

@kjarn okay.. thanks!!
March 3rd, 2011
I just read the water must be room temp for the polish to spread, and if the polish doesn't spread, you'll get the clumps. Also if you don't clean the water with the toothpick and pull the excess out, you'll get clumps. :)
We will perfect this! I promise!!!
March 3rd, 2011
Hehe ill get it eventually. I really appreciate the help :)
March 3rd, 2011
March 3rd, 2011
@kaylaferguson @amyhughes Wow, I had never heard of such a thing until I saw this. And my 9 year old daughter is looking over my shoulder and having as fit to try it...thank you both very much...LOL. I am thinking we both would look like in your first pic. I hope you'll post pics if you try it again.
March 3rd, 2011
@kimshawball even with the mess, it was fun lol ill definitely post pics.
March 3rd, 2011

I had a blast with this....i didn't use tape...tape seems to messy.
March 3rd, 2011
@mollyanne31790 yours came out great!!
March 3rd, 2011
@kaylaferguson thanks!!! it was super fun!! girly night :)
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