Macro photography

March 31st, 2010
I am new to macro photography and need some help on composition of the photo. Would love some input on how to improve the effect of the photo.
March 31st, 2010
i am very impressed with a lot of the macro photos too.... any recommendations on good macro lenses?
March 31st, 2010
I was always frustrated with my shots. When I got to close to the objects they got blurry and shaky. Today, I found out what I did wrong. I had set my camera to indoors or outdoors and then to Portrait or to Macro. That was wrong! The camera has a special feature, called Digital Macro and you just set it on that feature, no indoors no outdoors or anything else. IT WORKS!

I just took a picture "inside our receiver box" for the TV and you can clearly read the parts of the motherboard. No flash, no extra light. Just through the slits into the dark box and the Digital Macro took care of it. Today, I am really HAPPY!
March 31st, 2010
What kind of camera are you shooting with mirmax?
March 31st, 2010
Thought you might enjoy this macro-related link. Photos of insects covered in dew.
March 31st, 2010
amazing link, Brad! those are so cool to look at.

i have always wanted a macro lens - but have yet to purchase one.
sorry i have no real input to this conversation - other than to say - macro is cool! :o)
April 1st, 2010
I have a Canon PowerShot SD800 IS. And I am only beginning to find out what I can do with it.
April 1st, 2010
@Brad - DUDE!!! Those are brilliant!!! I have been happy with my close up work so far but this just blows my mind. Unbelievably beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
April 1st, 2010
@ali caudill- I don't know what kind of camera you are using, but I have the Canon EF 100mm 2.8 its amazing. I don't however have any pictures on 365 to show its quality. I use a Nikon CoolPix for 365 in macro setting, which gives surprisingly decent results.
April 1st, 2010
@brad: dude. insane link. thanks for that^^
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