Repeaters on browse and pick

March 7th, 2011
Hello y'all!
I'm fairly new to the project and I'm enjoying myself way too much and spend a little too much time around here adoring the pictures of all the talented people on here. I always take part in the browse and picks because I find it interesting to see which picture will be chosen, but mainly because the other presented pictures are sooo amazing. As I normally take the time to look through all the browse and pick pictures I have very often realized that there are people who post up to twenty times within the same thread, which becomes especially obvious, when always the same picture of theirs is chosen. I'm pretty sure there are no rules against this and I wouldn't mind it, if somebody posted just a few times, but sometimes it really gets annoying to see the same pictures over and over again in the same thread. I think it would be nicer to just wait for the next browse and pick to post again. But maybe all of you think that's a bit narrowminded so I just wanted to put the topic up for discussion.
March 7th, 2011
Totally agree with you Janna, that would be nice to post only once in each b&p.
March 7th, 2011
I try to skip at least one browse and pick, usually more than one. I'd never post on the same one twice unless it was by accident.
There's no rules about it and if people feel the need to post loads of times in there, that's fine with me. Not sure it takes away from the thread.
March 7th, 2011
I agree. I usually will B&P once or twice in a thread and then I'll skip a few before posting again. It doesn't "annoy me" per se, I just don't want to be annoying. LOL.
March 7th, 2011
I've noticed the same as well, when it is the same picture.. Since they tend to get so long anyway, I thought it was the courteous thing to enter only once.
March 7th, 2011
I posted twice in the latest one and the same picture got picked of mine both times. That was the first time I've posted twice in a B&P before.
March 7th, 2011
I try and just do one per thread.
March 7th, 2011
You know ive never really thought about it , i guess i may well post more than once on it because i kinda reply once every couple days on there but certainly not loads on the same one cos i know i dont do it that often ... i guess it could get annoying if the same shots keep cropping up but to be honest i find it cool how people tend to choose different shots of mine and quite often not ones i would pick !
March 7th, 2011
*blushing* I accidentally did that with the last one. But I feel the same. 1 or 2 times is ok but 12? come on. that is just kinda rude really...
March 7th, 2011
I like to reply to each of the browse and picks and I think I replied twice to a couple when I hadn't realized I had already done that one. I look through but I don't always take notice if there are many of the same shot!
March 7th, 2011
I've decided to take a break from the browse and picks. They've gotten too long, too busy and too confusing. Often several of us are browsing thru someone's portfolio and post at the same time, so someone gets missed. Then how to get back on track? Anybody have any answers?
March 7th, 2011
I agree...I will tend to post just once per thread.

And @timandelke, I've found that when I'm currently looking through the pictures of the last person that posted, I'll find a photo and write something up, and then refresh the page before I actually submit my reply. This does cut down on posting on someone's work twice and skipping someone elses. It does become a bit tiring when I look at 2 or 3 photos and write something up and each time someone has beaten me to it (not tiring looking at photos, because I do love that :-)). At that point I wait until another time of the day when it's no so busy.

That was probably more than you wanted to know, but you had a good question. :-)
March 7th, 2011
LOL there was one particular thread where someone was super prolific which was tiresome, I thought there was a glitch on the thread especially as the other pickers kept choosing the same pic!

Other than that I don't think its that bad to have a couple of goes on one thread. It is a nice way when you first start on here to get a bit of feedback, so I can see the appeal.
March 7th, 2011
@timandelke Post preview maybe but I'm not sure if you can have that on this forum? You know where it alerts you that someone has posted since you started a reply so that you may review what you are about to post?
March 7th, 2011
agreed. to me, once per thread is good.
March 7th, 2011
@poggy1818 @araminta thanks, guys - I'll see if that helps!
March 7th, 2011
@timandelke when it happens to me i delete my answer and come back later... or not ;-)
March 7th, 2011
I've wondered what the etiquette is as well. Once per thread sounds sensible!
March 8th, 2011
Thank you for your answers :). I wasn't sure if I was being over-sensitive. Of course there shouldn't be any rules about it and of course a couple times or even more is no problem and I agree with Flamez that it is very interesting to see if people will choose different pics but that one thread I was thinking about seriously had the same photo ten times and that got a bit out of hand... I also try to refresh before I post because I happened to skip people before and had to double-post to "unskip" them. Still I think browse and pick is a really cool idea!
March 8th, 2011
I normally post in there once per day, maybe twice if I am really bored that day, but if I do it twice I space it out once in the morning and once in the evening. Since there is a new thread every few days, I guess I post on average 2-3 times per thread, which is a little more than some of you.

I can't help myself, I have to post in there. LOL As others have said I find it so fascinating to see which picture someone chooses of mine. It's often one I wouldn't choose myself. I also love going through others albums and have started following many people through the Browse and picks. :)
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