my answer to funeral shots thread

March 14th, 2011
I guess I would say one reason and it is a very sad reason to do so would be that at a funeral is when most all the family gets together. The sad part is that many families don't have time to get together or even communicate when every one is alive, but they find the time when a person is DEAD and that person can't even appreciate the visit. I wonder if they are there to show respect or condolence's or just to help them get over the guilt for not seeing the person when they were alive.
So if you do get to do a funeral be sure to ask everyone to get together for a group shot because they most likely won't get together until the next funeral

So for those of you out there that say I have to go visit your Mother, Father, Brother, Syster Aunt or Uncle or other extended family members, or past friends, don't wait till they are DEAD, do it now, or at least call them and talk for a few minutes. Life is just too short and we never know who will be taking their last breath.
Oh, this message is for me as well============My venting is now complete.
March 14th, 2011
Sadly you are so right. funerals are a family reunion time. so this is a good idea
March 14th, 2011
Unfortunately you're right.
March 14th, 2011
You are so right Richard, but unfortunatly it is human nature that we do not think that when we speak or see somone, that it may be the last time. It really is not to take anything for granted. Thanks for this reminder as we always need them, and it is so good to vent.
March 14th, 2011
I brought this thread to the attention of my father and he said in the last 25yrs he has been a photographer he has only been asked to do a funeral once and that was the exact reason the person gave, 'it was a rare time that the whole family could get together' . He refused and has said he probably would never take photos at a funeral, but I can see why some family's may want this.
March 14th, 2011
A few weeks ago we had a family reunion, although it was more like a meeting as most of the people there I had never met before. Everyone was saying on the day how nice it was to all have a get together and it not be for a funeral. It all came about due to my Mum's interest in following up her family tree and thanks to facebook and the internet being able to find people and get to know them through e-mails. Some family members even came from interstate for the day and it was so lovely. We plan to do it each year.
March 14th, 2011
too true, weddings and funerals are when my family get together
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