international buying help

March 17th, 2011
So my camera finally called it quits. I am in Ecuador in the peace corps and dont know when I might go home next. Electronics are wayy expensive here (at least compared to the US) and I dont know what to do. I do not want to trust the mail, and am afraid that even if it got here safely, customs would charge me up the wazoo to receive it. I think I am just between a rock and a hard place, but figured it cant hurt to ask if anybody has ideas...
March 17th, 2011
Buy online and opt for FedEx / DHL!! Seriously - I bought my 50mm online and instead of paying the $30 extra for the courier, I had to pick it up at the post office only to pay €90 for customs -_-
March 17th, 2011
I've also bought two p&s cameras online. One was priority / express / something or other and went to a different part of the post office, so luckily no customs on that. The other cost me half of it's value just in damn taxes! ARGGGG
March 17th, 2011
I know how you feel. We were volunteers in Uganda and I didn't trust the mail either. When I had something important I'd have it sent registered mail and sent to our office in the capital. I'd pick it up next time we were in the city. Most things seemed to be stolen between the capital and our town which was about 200km away. Can you have it sent to someone's house in the US and have them ship it to you? You might get out of customs payments that way. It's a tough call, a good camera isn't cheap.
March 17th, 2011
I know what you mean, I recently worked in an area where all important urgent spares had to be hand carried out by a crew member. Do you have anyone coming out to join you in the next few weeks or a good agent that can pick stuff up at the airport and get it hand carried to you?
March 18th, 2011
Pay my airfare and I'll deliver it for you ... I'm always up for an adventure. But more seriously ... go with a pickup from the postal/courier service as per @indiannie_jones . Sorry to hear as I love see your pix.
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