Tips & Help for PS Elements V 7.0

March 19th, 2011
Hi everyone

Over the last few months, I have been flitting back & forth between Photoshop CS5 & Photoshop Elements 7. However, I thought it best to focus on just one system - this would also allow me to clear some room on my PC's hard drive. As I found PS Elements much more user friendly (& I didn't often use the really advanced functions in CS5), I decided to go for that one.

My problem is, there are still some relatively basic effects that I just can't figure out! Can somebody please tell me how to:
1) create a vignette effect
2) blur the edges / corners of my pictures?

There's bound to be others, but these are the main ones that have been troubling me!

Many thanks
March 19th, 2011
I used Google to find the answers to many of my Elements questions. I have PSE9, but here's what I do to create a vignette:

1) Create a Gradient adjustment layer
2) Adjust the color of your gradient (black to transparent, typically)
3) Select "radial" gradient
4) Under "scale", type in 150
5) Select "reverse" - on mine it is a checkbox
6) Fiddle with the angle of the gradient to get the size you want (smaller or bigger)

Hope this is helpful! As for blurring the edges, that's not something I've done before. Perhaps you could add a duplicate layer, apply a Gaussian blur, then use the erase tool over the areas you want to remain sharp? Just a thought . . .
March 19th, 2011
@chamrick you are a STAR! Thanks :)
March 19th, 2011
LOL, not every day I get called a STAR on the 365 Project! I am still learning so much - mostly from the other people here, so just trying to pay it forward. Thank you!!
March 19th, 2011
I have no idea Tim but I do have2 rather good books on PE 7 if you ever have any questions you'd like me to look up for you.
March 19th, 2011
Thanks @kjarn I will remember that!
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