Camera Lost - And Found

March 31st, 2011
On Tuesday I cycled to work and then discovered that somewhere over the 21km journey my bag had fallen off the rack on the back of the bike - and yes, my camera was in the bag.

I filed a lost property report with the police on Wednesday; it turns out the bag had been handed in to a police station and today they searched their system for the camera model, found my report, and phoned to say they have my bag with all its contents. I'll pick it up tomorrow - exceedingly grateful for the honest person who went out of their way to hand it in :)
March 31st, 2011
March 31st, 2011
Great story. Glad you have your camera back!
March 31st, 2011
Wow! You are soooo lucky the right person found it!
March 31st, 2011
That's awesome, sometimes the world works I guess...
March 31st, 2011
Restores your faith in humanity, doesn't it? Glad to hear it worked out!
March 31st, 2011
Wow, must have been your lucky day!!! Great news!!
April 1st, 2011
phew, glad it was found by an honest person,they may have been tempted to try it out first though so be prepared for some interesting pictures to be on it lol
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