Buying a Macro Lens? Help!

April 2nd, 2011
I have a Nikon D5000 which I bought last June. I absolutely love it and ever since getting it I decided that I'd love to get a macro lens for it. So I've been saving for a while, and recently have had a birthday. Anyway, I now have a fair bit saved up so I'm looking more into getting one...

...only thing is, I am super confused.
I know hardly anything at all about the technical side of camera-ing. I searched 'Nikon D5000 macro lens' on google and on Amazon (always a good place to start...and I can often get a 5% discount on Amazon :p) but so many different things, brands and prices keep coming up!

I, perhaps stupidly, thought that you could just buy a 'macro' or a 'zoom' lens. But apparently you buy lenses in millimetres...okay I sound really stupid now xD

Anyway, can anyone help me here? What should I be looking for? What should I be searching? Also, what brands are good, like Sigma and Tamron I've heard about but I don't know what would fit my camera and whether it would affect the autofocus or whatever? Also, where would be a good place to buy it? On one hand, I don't want to be spending more then I need to, but on the other hand, I don't want it to break within 2 weeks of getting it.

Basically, I know nothing at all about the technical side of photography, I feel completely stupid and any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you :]
April 2nd, 2011
I got a set of Macro Extension Tubes for my Canon, they only cost a fraction of the price and I am having great fun with them.
I only got a simple set so there is no Auto-focus but I find this all the better now that I am using them.
Extension Tubes with AF are a bit more expensive but still a lot cheaper then a Macro lens.
Here is an example of what I've done.
April 2nd, 2011
I have the Tamron 90mm 2.8 IT is an AWESOME lens for the $$ ($500) very sharp, beautiful colors. I highly recommend it. You would buy it for the Nikon mount. I bought mine from Adorama. I use it professionally and this lens is great for the $.
April 2nd, 2011
So glad you are asking this question.
April 2nd, 2011

I recently bought the Nikkor 105mm micro lens from Amazon, and I adore it. One of the things that makes it confusing is that Nikon calls their Macro lenses Micro lenses

But, if you have an Amazon Store Card, you can get 12 to 18 month no interest financing on some purchases. That's what I'm doing. You make monthly payments but aren't charged any interest as long as you make the payments and pay it off by the deadline. The financing offer only shows up once you put the item on your cart.

Anyway, the 105mm is the best lens I own. I love it.

Here's an example of a pic done with it

April 2nd, 2011
I am not in a position to buy a macro yet since I *just* got my D5000 but this is great information!!!
April 2nd, 2011
i picked up a 55mm f/ 3.5 macro off of ebay for $100... it's MF only.... but sharp as can be!!!
April 2nd, 2011
I don't know either. :-( But I would like to know how you get 5% off amazon. Pretty please?
April 2nd, 2011
@wormentude I have an NUS card :p
April 10th, 2011
@bjboelke36 Good thinking! eBay may be the way to go to get it sooner!
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