Do you have a hit list??

April 20th, 2011
I was just wondering if I was the only one...
Most of the time when I leave my house I am going somewhere specific with a deadline and a baby and don't have time to stop and take pictures on the side of the road or where ever. So, I made a hit list, everytime I see something (buildings, structures, trees, whatever) that I really want a photo of, I add it to my "hit list" of things to shoot (with my camera) and have plans that someday soon I will make a little road trip and capture them all. I just wanted to share this, and whether you have one or not...what is something that you would really like to get a picture of "one of these days" ?
For me, some of the things on my list include a couple of oil derricks and other oil-field stuff, an old mill house, a bright colored building I found out in the country, a feed lot down the road, a spot where the trees meet over the highway. Fittingly I suppose, I am challenging you (and myself) to take photos of things on your "list" and post them here!
April 20th, 2011
If I see it, I usually stop and photograph it. It might not be the same the next time you see it. Lighting could be different, sky changes, something is in the way, it's not there (torn down, or flew away) .. I'm not usually pressed for time as I always leave early for wherever I'm going.. so I have a buffer. And if it's worth the picture, I'll just be late :)

But, I do have a list of subjects that I would like to photograph.
April 20th, 2011
I can't really stop and photograph things whenever I want to either. I carry around a small note pad in my purse. I just jot it down and hope to get back to one day. I have quite a few pages filled up. :)
April 20th, 2011
I have found that some things are best taken right when you see them. Besides the fact that things change, sometimes the effort to get back to take a shot isn't economical. Who'd notice you being a few seconds late to stop and get the shot. Except then you get distracted. ;-)
April 20th, 2011
YES. I do exactly that. :D
April 20th, 2011
When I'm out shooting macro I don't have a specific shot in mind as it's totally variable on the bugs I come across. Only exception to that is the wasps I've been shooting recently as they are always at theirs hives.

With the bugless winter months fast approaching though I've started picking out shots I want to get. Like you my free time to shoot is tiny so when I venture away from home I need to have a plan.
April 20th, 2011
Alex (@mednez) and I have exactly that :) We have a list of specific places to go, or things to shoot, or even particular photography techniques to try (e.g. light painting). We're adding to it all the time. It keeps one's photography motivated and fresh :)
April 20th, 2011
I definitely have a list...but only mentally. Problem is, my "list" is so long I don't remember majority of them now. I really really gotta make a real list. LOL.
April 20th, 2011
Yep, do the same thing.
April 20th, 2011
@meggageg @katiegc24 @pocketmouse @arrayofblues - Well, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one =) Teresa- Love your take on it, I feel the same way, and its nice to have things I know I can go take photos of when I am low on ideas too.

@dcr - I can't even imagine trying to "plan" bug shots! I would imagine it is much easier when you know things are going to be in the same place.

@mikegl71 @jeancarl - You both make very good true that sometimes you end up not getting the exact shot, sometimes worse and sometimes better, and sometimes missing it all together! I know I have MISSED a few animal shots from not having my camera or not having it ready. That is part of the reason I am challenging myself to take the pictures off my list...and practice being more "camera ready"

Thank you all for the is always nice to hear different perspectives on things like this!
April 20th, 2011
I do that too! I put it in the notes on my phone and when I've got time and I'm going that way again, I'll stop
April 20th, 2011
Yeah I've got a list on my phone! Includes a butchers shop, a funeral parlour and a field full of horses that I go past on the bus. Waiting for a day when I can take my time getting to work!
April 20th, 2011
yeah i mave a mental note of things i want to take like today i went and did my old school for a future slot on the project
April 20th, 2011
I've usually got 3 or 4 things in mind I'd like to take a photo of and if all else fails I'll just take one of the cat.
April 20th, 2011
I often see things and try to take a photo but with 4 Children in tow I dont get to stop long so often dont get a good shot, I do have a note pad I write ideas in, Todays ideas where... My Children laying in the shape of a Number 1 a,d 2 Zeros but they didnt co-operate so I went with the idea of using the lens to spell out 100.
April 22nd, 2011
@lisahutchinson - Your lens photo came out awesome! What a creative idea... I can't imagine trying to get 4 kids to cooperate for pictures, I have trouble w/ just one!
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