Not been about much

April 27th, 2011
Sorry I haven't been around much but it's been hectic here lately. I am catching up with my photos over the weekend but missed a couple of days. I also haven't had a chance to catch up on comments either. I'm not ignoring you all but if you notice I'm adding photos and not commenting, then I apologise and I will catch up eventually.

April 27th, 2011
I know the feeling, its all go here, Was wondering where You were, Hope You are ok and look forward to seeing photos soon :)
April 27th, 2011
No problem Kirsty! I was wondering if all was well, but believe me, I have been in the same boat lately and sure apologize for not being as active as usual too! Love your photos and look forward to your project!
April 27th, 2011
No need to apologize! I, too, can't keep up anymore! I try but am always behind whatever I do! Plus, I have to severely reduce my time here, as I am coming to a point I don't do other things that should be done! It can't be viable for my 365 project, so or I stop it (but I'm addicted), or I have to strongly cut my time here! I hate not being able to reply or look back at pictures from people who leave me wonderful comments, but I'll have to! I just hope these people will understand...
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