Making 'em Portable

April 29th, 2011
Hey fellow 365ers.

Im just wondering if everyone's bringing his/her own dSLR everyday? Do you find it too bulky?


do you have another handy-dandy point-and-shoot camera for everyday use and just reserve your SLR on special occasions?

Thank you! :)

April 29th, 2011
I have a big purse, throwing my D80 in there is just fine. I don't carry my D300 with me for day to day stuff because it is too big (unless I took the grip off). I have a pool of cameras that get thrown in my purse... but my Holga and D80 are the usual suspects.
April 29th, 2011
@sarmientorj: I bought a DSLR a few months ago but sadly I'm not using it much because among all the stuff I have to bring to work every morning it's just too much and I have to take my pictures during my work day. So I take my little point and shoot with me wherever I go and I'll try to take my DSLR more over the next few months, when I go out on weekends or on photo walks.

How about you?
April 29th, 2011
p&s goes with me every day; dslr for planned shoots
April 29th, 2011
@suzk and @jannaellen, the same goes with me. I find my dSLR very bulky that's why I bring it for planned shots like big parties and events. I have my handy P&S though. which hasn't failed me. I bring my P&S everyday to school and to the hospital to take nice shots in med school. :)
April 29th, 2011
dslr is more special occasion for me, but I have a bridge and my iphone.
April 29th, 2011
I have an nice, big, purse-like camera bag from Epiphany. I usually carry it everywhere.
April 29th, 2011
I just have my original camera bag that came with my camera .... however it has a handy pocket for my purse & phone and also a flat pocket at the back which fits a nappy & wipes haha ! so this mummy can take the camera bag over the handbag without any hassle really :)
April 29th, 2011
I wouldn't go so far as to say reserved just for special occasions... but my 'good gear' is in the nice camera bag and only goes when I know I've got something to shoot. My P&S lives in my car for those times that I run across something I didn't know I might want to shoot.
April 29th, 2011
I use range finder cameras, which are more compact than DSLR. Always in the car or with me. Only use DSLR about 10% of the time, or when I want to use macro or telephoto lenses. If I don't have any real camera, iphone will do.
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