Holy Crap

April 29th, 2011
I just looked through my favs list, and I am just blown away by the talent on here. I'm, like, emotional about it. I know this is random, but I am in a random mood, I guess. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have a book of your favs from on here? I think I have the best favs list, btw. Pretty freaking amazing. :D Sorry to you guys that don't like random posts!!
April 29th, 2011
I just recently discovered the fav button and I've been adding a bunch of them. I think mine is pretty awesome too, btw.
April 29th, 2011
I'll see your Favs, and up the pot with MY Fav's! Then we'll really have a fantastical photo book! Random is good, especially when it's really late at night, or early in the morning, or pretty much whenever...
April 29th, 2011
thanks for "faving" my photo lacey, its my pleasure.... ♥ you have nice cllection of FAVED photos.... > a book of FAVED? why not? thats a great idea! ♥
April 29th, 2011
@gavincci That was purely MY pleasure. That was a rad photo!
April 29th, 2011
haha awesome random post and so true too!
April 29th, 2011
I just had that thought the other day and wondered if it would be okay!! It would be awesome. Hey, you even have a couple of mine - thanks. I, of course, have a few of yours :)
April 29th, 2011
The last thing i need to complete my coffee table.
Super cool idea.
April 29th, 2011
How funny - I'm just looking at my fav list at the moment revisiting the people I fav'd back then but didn't follow for some reason and it's like a trip down memory lane, while marvelling at the wonderful talent on here. I'd really love to have those favs alongside my shots in a book, too, but I guess that's not possible :(. Thanx for this random, but very meaningful and appreciative post!
April 29th, 2011
I just love my favs - they are great to run back through. I would also like to have a book on them. Did a thread once trying to get everyone to share their threads, so this is totally understandable.
April 29th, 2011
I understand *exactly* what you mean, about the talent being amazing and it bringing out an emotional response in me!
April 29th, 2011
I'm smitten with my favs - the pugs, the sunrises, the flowers, the sweet babies, the anchor girl, CHARLEY(!!)... just, everything! Not to mention the funny, witty and touching stories behind them.
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