Disappointing Moments

May 4th, 2011
What is your most disappointing moments in photography? Today I saw this little toad and was SO excited to get up close to him. It took me a good solid 3 minutes (seemed like forever) to get this close.... I only have the tools of reverse marco to lean on, so I was holding the lens, and my breath, and BAM... at the last minute he moved and then hopped away. GAH!

May 4th, 2011
i didn't post the photo, but it was when we went to the butterfly pavillion and my four year old had a butterfly land right in front of her...her face was so surprised and i got the photo, but had neglected to properly meter the light and focus so she was fuzzy and overexposed( i should have shot in ap or auto instead of manual) anyway i really wanted the shot to work, but no amount of editing fixed it:(
May 4th, 2011
I was trying to get one of those awesome crowns I see everyone getting everywhere...this is what I got

Also, you can borrow my frog picture :D
May 4th, 2011
This is my most disappointing moment. I mean really, what was I thinking posting this!!!
May 4th, 2011
I had an awesome ladybug shot lined up the other day, sitting in a new leaf so it was bright green and a little curled, I ran inside to get my camera and came out to see my 2 year old shaking the crap out of the branch the leaf was on. No surprise the ladybug was gone. I then found it on the ground and let it crawl onto my hand, the second I picked up my camera it flew off. Pretty sure my replacement photo for that day was nothing exciting.
May 4th, 2011
This was my 3rd photo – the snow looked so pretty and sparkly and multi-facted... unfortunately NOT in the photo! I was very disappointed but posted it because it was night and I needed a pic for the day... Now I would find something else before posting something this bad!
May 4th, 2011
Disappointing moment - this flower arrangement at church on Easter was so pretty "in person". I didn't hold my hands and the camera still when I pressed the button, so it came out blurry. I didn't realize just how fuzzy it was until I uploaded it from the computer, but I didn't have another picture. It was a really nice arrangement. Now I know, with the camera I just got in March, I have to be much more careful to keep my hands and the camera steady.

May 4th, 2011

Was the bowl full of water? To get the crown you need to have the water really shallow...HTH
May 4th, 2011
@triptych_angel It started off shallow, but I took so many shots, it overflowed. It looked worse shallow...believe me. But thank you just the same! I've gotten a few pointers since then so hopefully I'll be more prepared next time.
May 4th, 2011
@amz87 I had to laugh out loud at this. My two year old daughter does things like this all the time. With this one I had the shot lined up and ready to go, but right when I pressed the button, she reached in the picture, haha. I'm not saying it would have been a fantastic photo anyway, but I'll never know now, since she picked it :D

May 4th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Haha I'm glad someone understands. I actually like your shot, it's cute!
I've got a lot of photos where I've been mid-click and had the same thing happen and had to take them again lol.
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