How can someone be so cruel..;A;

May 5th, 2011
What if someone called your work "SHITTY" would you deal with it?
(BTW someone said my drawings and photography are shitty that's why I ask)

For me I cry, stop doing what ever they insulted for about a week or so...but I usually have suicidal thoughts and what not. I also begin to think that person who insulted me was right....THAT'S where the suicidal part comes in but you know...what ever.
You...How would you deal with it?
May 5th, 2011
I would probably cry for a bit... but it's what I think that matters, not what everyone else thinks. You always have to remember everyone has haters, but we have people that love us and our work as well.
May 5th, 2011
I had a relative tell me I was a terrible photographer and should never take out my camera when he was around. This is because I posted a funny picture of his mother on Facebook (which she had posed for). I just got mad at him, and fortunately I have enough other family members and friends who are professional photographers and say nice things that I know he was just being mean, not truthful. But to be honest, I'm still kind of mad.

For what it's worth, I really like the effects you're getting in your pictures. And you have more followers than people you are following, which is pretty much my definition of "popular." So screw the mean folks!
May 5th, 2011
People can be very cruel. As you mature you learn that we will not be liked by everyone we meet nor will we like everyone we meet. People come in all shapes and sizes with minds and lives that can be very hard to understand.

You need to share this with your parents as they will know best how to help you. We do not know you and therefore cannot give any good advice except to say you can report them to Ross if they continue to harass you. If it's an isolated case then just let it go. Chalk it up as their own opinion which we all have a right too. Move on otherwise report them to Ross.
May 5th, 2011
It is what you believe that matters. Keep going and growing...and good luck! have been on the popular page!!
May 5th, 2011
ignore them. its either a complete jerk or someone who is jealous.
May 5th, 2011
I know this is what people always say, but there's a reason for that -- it's true: The person who said your drawings and photos are shitty does not feel very good about her/himself and is trying to make you feel crappy, too.

Try not to take it too personally, and please discuss your feelings with your parents, a teacher or your school counselor. Suicidal thoughts are no joke.
May 5th, 2011
Delete the comment and move on.Most 365'rs are supportive and kind,don't let one fool get to you.Do what you love!
May 5th, 2011
You must develop a thick skin to deal with the pricks of the world. And you must remember that as far as suicide - it really, really, REALLY does get better later. Dorrena above makes very wise points.

People who put others down like that are just jealous or plain mean and will quash any success anyone has because it makes them feel powerful. I'd use your followers and friends as a more accurate gauge of your skillset.

May 5th, 2011
Someone once made a similar comment to me, I stopped any creative artwork, drawing, painting and photography... the thing is I missed it so I started back doing it.

I took photos, I drew, I painted but I shared it with no one... it took me twenty years before I did and then another five years before I could share it with strangers. Now I put my photos up here for anyone and everyone to see and the confidence I get from that is mind blowing because of the support that I recieve from complete strangers.

If you love what you do, keep doing it... I know that one person's words can be like a knife through your heart but think of all the positive comments you recieve and also the feeling that YOU have when YOU are proud of YOUR work.

Whatever you do don't stop doing what you love...
May 5th, 2011
I am be a lot more concerned with you proclaiming that you have suicidal thoughts than what people with an opinion (which means nothing) have to say. I take that stuff seriously. Some say it is just an attention plea.

I will surmise that you are a Teen. People can be cruel. Usually, people that are jealous of something that one person does become insulting because they cannot accomplish it. They are only words.

Do not look to be congratulated for everything that you do. Life is full of failures. It is what makes us stronger. It is how you portray yourself to others that will show them who you really are. If you behave weak and emotional, they will attack you. If you believe in yourself, and do the best you can, they will respect you. If they don't, then they are the ones who have a problem.

Life is precious. The word suicide is scary. If you mean it, get help. NOW! If you don't, please don't use it. There is no Playstation "reset button" in life. You get one chance. Make it count!

May 5th, 2011
I agree with what richard saffold wrote. Maybe it is someone who is jealous. Or needs to make him/herself feel better by putting another person down. The person is wrong! I also agree with what Ashley Wilson wrote, that the person is trying to make you feel crappy too. I saw your picture on the pops page and it made me smile! Don't give up! (Because if you do, the person gets the "win".) Keep on and know your work is great!

May 5th, 2011
Listen, no matter what you do, no matter where you are, there is ALWAYS going to be somebody wanting to rain on your parade. It's a horrible feeling to know that there is somebody out there that could possibly despise what YOU love doing...

I went to college for photography. So I met A LOT of negative people like this. I also met a lot of incredibly positive people. The thing is, take the negative criticism....if they are just calling your work "shitty" and can't tell you why---then THEY are shitty...and they obviously don't have any room to talk. GOOD negative criticism is constructive. When somebody says "I don't like this because...." then it is helpful. If somebody says something about your art that is negative, and it makes you want to kill yourself..then they are no friend at all, nor are they giving you a constructive criticism.

Chin up my friend...don't let your art be the death of you. Let your art come to life. Expressing yourself through your art is the most beautiful thing a person can do now and days...hope this helps. :)
May 5th, 2011
i agree with what dorrenna ortega wrote. unfortunately, we cannot please everybody. art is very, very subjective. the most important thing is you are doing something that makes you happy and creative (not harming anyone or yourself, of course). it is hard to hear the words "try to move on" but you will eventually look back at this one day, and this experience will make you a better person.
as for the suicidal thoughts, to me that is a red flag. as a mother, i strongly suggest that you talk to someone you can really trust and confide to. this is not to be taken lightly. you are still young and you've got time in your hands. there's still a lot for you to experience (and capture in your camera!). please don't let this prevent you from becoming who you want to be. it doesn't make sense now but do trust me when i say that one day, you will just look back at this and tell yourself that you've become a better person because of this experience.
May 5th, 2011
You have to decide if you are creating your art for yourself or for others....personally I gain much more satisfaction from myself than from the opinions of others. Plenty of haters out there. It's not worth acknowledging them. In the end, art is subjective. What is creative or magnificent to you might be shitty to them. It's all a matter of opinion and doesn't actually define the image or object you created.
May 5th, 2011
you have some really successful photos - I really like your eye. And you clearly have a good sense of humor. what all the others said above are right. that said, you NEED to talk to your parents about all this. in my opinion, you are very talented but its scary for me (as the mom of a 15 year old) to hear someone talk like you have.
keep you head up, and keep doing your art. . .and get support from people that love you.
May 5th, 2011
i don't think anyone can make it as an artist if they base their work on what others think... i once heard it said that 'what someone else thinks of me is none of my business' and with my art i certainly have to keep that kind of attitude. we have to do art because we love it because our art sustains us... which isn't to say that we don't enjoy sharing with others, getting feedback advice... and people who use that kind of language about art are not the kind of people to share our work with or even be friends with!!!
May 5th, 2011
Please ignore this negative person that has said these inconsiderate things to you!! Keep your head held high, be proud of yourself!! Your pics are awesome! It doesn't matter what others say and don't let any one else's opinion send you into suicidal thoughts. The best thing you can do for yourself is to be surrounded by positive people, who love you. This 365 community loves you!!
May 5th, 2011
@suomiiiii As others have replied, please talk to someone about your suicidal feelings... I was in that dark place a very long time ago, and am only here now by the grace of God. A few years later, I sought counseling, and it was one of the best things I've ever done. Not easy, but definitely helped me immensely. As to your art, as others have said, it's all subjective. During counseling, I wrote some poems about my dark times and happened to share them with a select few individuals. The response from one was pretty negative, but to a couple of others, they really understood, because they had been there, and it spoke to them. We don't all like the same stuff, and that's ok (in fact, it would be pretty boring if we all did). Don't dwell on the one comment, take in all the others - it's not easy (I know), but with time, it does get a little easier. Once you start to feel more confident in your abilities, it won't be as difficult to shake off the bad reviews. And again, please seek help - you are loved, you are worthy, and you would be missed by so many more people than you could ever realize. I will be praying for you.
May 5th, 2011
First and foremost, I will echo what @moncooga said. If you seriously have suicidal thoughts, seek help IMMEDIATELY. I lost a friend to suicide at the tender age of 9; the people closest to him failed to heed the warning signs; it took him two attempts, but he got the job done. It not only ends your life, it shatters the lives of those around you who spend the rest of their days wondering "Did I miss something?" My friend took his life over 20 years is the second funeral I remember going to, and I still think about him today. His family is still putting the pieces back together. There are countless ways to seek help - your school guidance counselor, your pastor (heck, A pastor, it doesn't have to be yours, and you don't have to go to their church, they'll all help), or a professional therapist. See one of them. Tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with asking for help.

Like has been said, unfortunately, there are people in this world who, for whatever reason, can only feel joy when they're dragging someone else down. They feed on negativity, and live to see the pain in your eyes. Remember this when they put you down. It is only a result of their own miserable existence that they are trying to drag you down with them. Tell yourself that. Think to yourself "I'm glad my life is not so miserable I have to cut everyone else down to feel any satisfaction."

And keep doing what you're doing. If you let one comment from one miserable being upset you enough to make you stop doing what you enjoy for even one day, you let them win. You let them beat you. Don't do that.

Just looked through your entire album on here, some really good photos. Some I wasn't as impressed with -- but that's art, and that's part of this whole deal - you're never going to impress everyone all the time. And none that I would call "shitty."

Edit to add: I just re-read your original post, and saw your final question. How would I deal with it? Simple. If someone's critique of my work consists of only one word (be it a positive or negative critique), I give it absolutely zero credit, and spend exactly NO time thinking about it. If they can only manage one (or a couple) words, they obviously did not put much time into their thoughts. I also tend to only really give credit to opinions from people that actually know what they're talking about -- in the case of this project, other photographers. I'm in this project to improve my skills; I need critique from people that can recognize what skills I'm deficient in.
May 5th, 2011
It's your work. You like it, that is good. Someone may like it and just enjoy insulting, ignore the person. If he/she really thinks it's not good, so what? Art is subjective. Ignore the negative non-constructive criticism, and have a laugh.
May 5th, 2011
All of the replies above are very wise. Life is a journey, we all have our strengths and weaknesses and talents and have gone through failure after failure (when you get to my age!). You learn to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and face the world. Please get some help for your negative thoughts so you can turn them around. Love your work, take care JC X
May 5th, 2011
This makes me think of something Kat Williams said. It went something like this "A Hater's gonna hate, that's what they do!"

You know, a few years ago I realized something. If someone, anyone says something bad about you... It's because they want what you have. talent, charm, it could be anything.

You have to believe in yourself! And know that you've got to be doing something right, if someone's talking about you. And you know what??? The feelings that they're making you feel, those bad feelings... turn it into your work.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent! YOU ARE AWESOME!
repeat after me. say it out loud: I.AM.AWESOME.

May 5th, 2011
@suomiiiii @moncooga I agree with Chris, Shelby. If you are reaching out, please reach out for help. YOU are important. YOU are loved. And you have many, many helpful words here from other compassionate 365ers...take them to heart. :)
May 5th, 2011
Just please yourself first-----others, second.!!Do what makes you happy-they don't pay your bills chin up and keep on going-keep on going-......:)
May 5th, 2011
Coming on here and sharing my photos has been a journey for me. I have been insulted by certainly family members out of jealousy, which I can't fathom. It's still taking me time to get past my fears and the hurt. But I'm a work in progress, I'm doing what I love to do, take photos that make my heart and soul sing. ♥ You have all be an inspiration to me since I started just a short time ago. Especially @buccigrossi, your kind comments daily have kept me coming back and challenging myself to keep on keeping on. ♥ thank you ♥
May 5th, 2011
Nothing some idiot says should make you want to kill yourself. I've seen your work, and I think you're a great photographer. If you really feel suicidal, please talk to someone. No one should ever make you question if you should be alive or not, so don't let them.
You're very talented. Just be yourself and keep moving forward. You're doing great :)
May 5th, 2011
Just cross them off your list and go on. Not everyone is going to like everyones style or the way they see things. Personally I like all the differences to give me better ideas hopefully. Although,,,,,I don't think anyone should be cruel. If you don't want to be constructive,,,,move on. ")
May 5th, 2011
I saw your collection - I think your pictures are awesome. I read some of your write-ups and they are funny, candid, and genuine. You rock!

Believe in yourself and believe in what you're doing. Lady Gaga didn't get to where she is by listening to what other people said about her ;-) Lady Gaga aside, you have soooo much potential. Don't stop. Keep going.
May 5th, 2011
Pfffttt on the mean SOBs. Keep on doing what you love and don't let the meanies get to you. There are a number of "master" painters that I don't really care for, but that sure doesn't mean they suck. Your work is terrific, and if someone doesn't like it, so what. Too bad if someone's a jerk about it, but that's their shit, not yours. If you truly are feeling suicidal, please PLEASE get help!
May 5th, 2011
Shelby, I'm gonna be really honest with you here. I have been in a gigantic slump for quite some time now. I've been feeling nothing-zero-zilch in the way of creativity for quite a while now. I'm not sure how I got here but I really wish it would go away and just let me play again. But I just wasn't feeling it.

I stopped by and had a look at your pics and I really enjoyed them! They are so creative and funny and well done. I envy your spontaneity and I sure do hope that some of it has rubbed off on me! Girl, keep up the good work (I'll be watching). Oh, and forget the haters. Tell them to get a life!
May 5th, 2011
Reading your comments all I can think of is the song "Mean" by Taylor Swift. You may not be a country fan, but you should listen to the words just once. I've seen your work on the popular page. That should speak for itself. For the other person ..... "all you'll ever be is mean."
May 5th, 2011
@suomiiiii In my experience in many aspects of 'internet life', all too many people are prepared to hide behind their online persona and toss out verbal (written) hand grenades.

Over time you become less bothered by them. As others have suggested, delete the comment and ignore it. Believe in yourself and keep on doing your own thing.

If people persist in leaving nasty messages report them to the site/forum owner.

And you now have another follower. Me. :)
May 5th, 2011
@aikiuser Loving your very well written sentiments Jenn! :)
May 5th, 2011
practice makes perfect!!! and remember EVERYONE has totally different tastes! what i think is beautiful and lovley others disagree! art and photos are not based on one person liking them.

take it with a pinch of salt and carry on... prove them wrong!
May 5th, 2011
Its hard, but when someone says something like that to me, I dust myself down, tell myself that its just an opinion and then I dont let it beat me - I try and get better at what I am doing, so good in fact they have to eat their words! Its very satisfying '-)

Good luck and please dont let them get to you - just not worth it.
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