help! buying a new camera

May 19th, 2011
I am going to buy a dslr with my graduation money. (very excited!) just wondering what you all would suggest! Im looking at buying a canon t2i right now. I am also considering getting a refurbished one to save money. bad idea? good idea? let me know what you think or if you have any other good camera suggestions for me! thanks!
May 19th, 2011
A lot depends on your budget and what you plan to do with it, would check out the different lens/body combo packs and pick one that is flexible but also fits your style.

This link is a pretty good reference for the canon cameras with reviews and price comparisons on bodies, lenses etc. Good luck! and Congrats on graduation!
May 19th, 2011
I would not go for anything but Nikon. Now I have a D5000 and if ever I should change I'd go for D3x...again depends a lot on budget. I really love my actual nikon and I'm still discovering new functions/settings after almost 1 year. Truth be told I also dont have enough time to learn properly about it ....Congrats for graduation :) !
May 19th, 2011
I would only buy Olympus. An E-5 or and E-3. But if your budget doesn't allow, then a E-520 would be pretty funky!
May 19th, 2011
Don't get caught up in the debate of brand vs. brand
Technology is at a point where it's hard to buy a bad dslr. The most important thing is to look for what suits YOU best and think about the long term... in five years could you see yourself wanting something more professional? Wanting to change brands?
And also, lenses are a very important investment. It's considered by many better to buy an expensive lens than an expensive body.
Pentax, Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus, etc all make quality cameras.
I've seen wonderful work done with T2i's. I've never extensively used one though. Have you ever held one in your hands? How comfortable a body is in one's hands is a deciding factor for many.
Buying refurbished should be fine as long as you're buying from a reputable source.
May 19th, 2011
Here is a flow chart that's been posted before in here:

I think you picked a good one. I would just get a hold of one and see how the controls feel. Maybe compare it to a 50D that you may be able to pick up at a similar price. Difference is control wheel on the back vs push button.

Hope it helps and congratulations!
May 19th, 2011
For what it's worth, I have a T2i ( 550D ) and I am very pleased with it. It is my first DSLR so I do not have a lot to compare it to, but I love it.
May 19th, 2011
Here is my take (pardon the unintended pun!). I am a frequent camera buyer, albeit loyal to the Nikon brand because I already own some excellent Nikon lenses. That aside, I have followed the Nikon prosumer line starting with the D50, and now have the amazing D7000. As a backup, I bought the D3100 and I believe it is probably the best value in a superb DSLR on the market today. You can find them for $599 or less with lens. I also have the D5100 which has many of the same great features of the D7000 PLUS an articulating LCD screen. The D5100 is $899 with lens. Good luck in your decision and have fun with your new camera!
May 19th, 2011
Refurbished? Good idea for saving money! Make sure it has a warranty and what not. My camera was a hand me down so I didn't really have a choice over the brand. So, my advice is go for the best deal. You will learn to love whatever brand you end up with.
May 19th, 2011
I'm happy with my Canon T2i, but it's my first DSLR so don't have experience with any other.
May 19th, 2011
I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I personally avoid anything refurbished. There is a REASON it's a refurb -- something went wrong with it and it got sent back to the factory on a warranty claim (or something along those lines) If it's an inexpensive item that I'm not going to use a whole lot, I'll maybe consider a refurb. But if it's something I'm going to be using frequently, or expecting quality work out of, I just can't see how it pays to save a little money and get something that is essentially used.
May 19th, 2011
I buy old/new/used/referb equipment (way too much of it)

If you are going to get a lemon it is just as likely to come from any brand, used or new... just make sure you have warrenty of some sort.

I would go try cameras at the store... wait for it... the brand DOESN"T MATTER AT ALL! Just want ever fits in your hands and it should feel natural to you... I HATE the direction joystick button on cannons... others LOVE them... I prefer a small Pentax body to a large nikon... other prefer to feel like they are holding something (yes I shoot large format too, that camera weighs 10 kilo so all dslr feel small)

make sure you have the support you need and don't buy more camera than you need.... ie I could spend 10k of a 645D MF body... BUT a $500 KX works fine for me...

one last secret... no one thinks they own crap... ask a canon user the best brand they will say canon, lecia --- lecia, nikon-- nikon... sales guys are the same... if they use nikon they will tell you to use nikon...
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