selling prints

May 26th, 2011
do many people sell there work, if so what site do you use, what sizes do you produce, how do you print (yourself or shop) and what do you charge?
May 26th, 2011
I print 8*10, I do it myself using premium photo paper and a good photo printer. Depending on the "customer" I charge between 10 and 50 euros. If a model wants a picture of herself, it's obviously a lower price, if somebody wants to support by buying a print it all depends on how much they are willing to pay. I don't really use a site, it's mostly friends and family that want to support me by buying a print but I have a portfolio/blog site, and a facebook fanpage for my friends :p
May 26th, 2011

I did a topic about this a few weeks back check it out. There is a lot of good information on there from what I found and what other 365'rs had to say.
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