Primary colours attract attention

June 16th, 2011
When ever I post a picture with lots of strong or primary colours I get lots of visits. What is it that attracts you to the very strong colours?

June 16th, 2011
Probably the contrast between the highly saturated colors and the background.
June 16th, 2011
strong colour is in built into our make up the first things we learn to see are bright colours they take us back to our childhood and make us think of happy times (its not for nothing that small childrens toys are vividly coloured) , think of all the things in nature that make us happy and they are usually colourful (rainbows butterflies, flowers, sunsets) and they all elicit strong feelings The use of colour goes deeper than that though as instilled within us is a folk memory that makes us associate different colours for different feelings so blue feels cold, yellow and orange feels warm red makes your heart race (thought to be as this is the colour of blood and to our early ancestors the sight of blood would be an indication to fight or flee.) the psychology of colour is a fascinating thing and is one that is jumped on by packaging and advertising really its not surprising that colourful photos have more of an impact
June 16th, 2011
I was going to say that colours just make me happy :D @asrai has put it perfectly, I totally see it that way now!
June 16th, 2011
Along with what Asrai said, whenever someone sees a thumbnail of an image primary colours make it stand out a lot more than most things because when they're squeezed down so small they can end up looking like the equivalent of a grey square...
June 16th, 2011
well I am a color junkie, but the soft look is just too gentle for me to connect with, but the eye popping gets my attention.
June 16th, 2011
primary colours remind us of Fun.
June 16th, 2011
I look through the thumbnails of the browsing pages and find that it's not only colorful images but shapes and clean lines that get my attention...
June 16th, 2011
I find the same thing! this one is my main example....

Colours= Happiness!
June 17th, 2011
primaries bring us back to our childhood when we first begin to recognize color, when we know how to identify the world around us, when we know we are individual people yet still feel safe in the world, before we have learned there are other colors out there.
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