Photos And Albums Gone ????

July 16th, 2011
I have just logged on to my account to find over 450 of photos have gone, 2 albums have now been deleted, has anyone else had this happen, I have had no warning that this might occur or a reason as to why either. My profile shows me as still having them but there is no access.

Ok it was because my ace membership had expired, once I renewed they came back, I am still a little unhappy that they just disappeared with out warning, because if I didn't have an ace a\c in the first place and only ran 1 album they wouldn't be deleted after one year would they?
July 16th, 2011
Has your Ace membership expired?
July 16th, 2011
I'm guessing it must have done, but why delete all my work surely there is no need for that, also I wasn't aware it was coming to an end, a simple email and I would have renewed, there was no warning at all
July 16th, 2011
Hmmm ... I see 10 pictures starting july 6.
July 16th, 2011
Darren, I can see all three of your albums and their contents.
July 16th, 2011
Ok it was because my ace membership had expired, once I renewed they came back, I am still a little unhappy that they just disappeared with out warning, because if I didn't have an ace a\c in the first place and only ran 1 album they wouldn't be deleted after one year would they?
July 16th, 2011
@Scrivna --- How do we know when we need to renew? And what we can expect should we not get it done on time?
July 16th, 2011
@meredithwb I have just renewed and they re-appeared
July 16th, 2011
That makes sense however I understood we were given sufficient notification of the account expiring.
July 16th, 2011
@dmortega I have checked my emails, and can not find any notification, stating my membership is to expire
July 16th, 2011
I don't see anywhere anything about account information. Hmmm ... @Scrivna ?
July 16th, 2011
Good point, @dmortega, I would imagine mine will be expiring soon since I just uploaded #366. However, I don't find an expiration date so would hesitate to "re-up" in case I short-change myself (does the renewal start on the expiration date or the date I pay?)
July 16th, 2011
Ross was doing a cull of dead accounts of late,, my son (6) had an account and did not upload for a couple of months.. we got an email to say he was shutting the account down unless we did some activity on it... Im surprised you didnt get an email notification,, seems like an ace account would get that sort of notice....
have you been active on your account lately?

I am in my second year and my photos have not disappeared..
July 16th, 2011
@nikkers I update virtually everyday so I was a bit miffed about it, it feels like I've been penalised, by supporting the site, I appreciate Ross does all this on his own but you get an email after a few days reminding you to upload, so why not a 7 day notice on your ACE membership or something
July 16th, 2011
@griff you should have received an email and it is displayed for 2 weeks on your dashboard if it is about to run out.

This has nothing to do with old accounts being removed, the Ace membership had simply run out, this is explained in the Ace member FAQ here....
July 16th, 2011
@Scrivna No Ross sorry no email, that I could find even did a search on the deleted ones to check, and where abouts on the dashboard
July 16th, 2011
When my Ace membership was up for renewal I got an email and saw the notification on the dashboard. Maybe the notification is in the spambucket?
July 16th, 2011
@griff penalised? Come now, let's not overreact. :) You didn't lose anything, and all that seems to have happened is an email got lost in the ether. Take it from someone who writes systems that send automated emails as part of his day-to-day - sending an email out into the tubes is one thing, making sure it arrives at its destination is quite another. Essentially, impossible. This is why Ross hasn't set it to delete your stuff, just hide it, because you can't rely on the notification email arriving.

All's well that ends well anyway, it seems :)
July 16th, 2011
@griff sorry you didn't receive your email, i'll take a look at it. Obviously we don't want people to be surprised and will make every effort to ensure this doesn't happen again. Your support for the site through Ace membership is greatly appreciated!
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