daunting world of 365 to a newbie :)

May 23rd, 2010
Hi there, Im new to this project, and although it looks daunting i need to do it for my dad who never believed i could commit to anything!
May 24th, 2010
Welcome to 365! Remember this is not a competition of any kind. Just learn to enjoy it and it fast becomes a daily habit. My camera goes everywhere! Read my thread call "Let Me Explain". Don't compare yourself to others, but be willing to learn from others as you go. Be creative and try new things. These folks are very helpful and encouraing in their comments left on your photos. Enjoy!
May 24th, 2010
Don't sweat it. 365 is about expressing YOURSELF, so you don't have to worry about doing anything wrong. Welcome here!!
May 24th, 2010

I agree, it's not really a contest, it's to express yourself as an artist, and/or have a nice memory of a year in your life. However you choose to use it!

Have fun, that's the main thing.

I find that it gets my creative juices flowing, knowing that I am commited to taking a picture every day for a year.
May 24th, 2010
Welcome! I am relatively new to this community as well, and I love it! I feel that 365 is and will be whatever you make it. No need to compete with anyone, just enjoy sharing your photos.
I love the weekly themes, and I find that they always give me something to look for, then I find many other things in turn. Good luck to you, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
May 24th, 2010
Welcome and before you know it you re hooked just like the rest of us. spending way too much time interacting with other 365ers called your followers.. not knowing what that means? you'll learn fast enough.. you already know how to approached us.. a lot more than what i knew when i started. so good luck and we'll see your pictures soon!!!!!!!!
May 24th, 2010
Like Vicky I'm also relatively new to this community and with photography as well.

Looking at the awesome photos is really quite daunting at times but provides inspiration at the same time.

I'm still trying to get into the rhythm of taking photos daily.
May 24th, 2010
Let me add my welcome. This is the best kind of social networking where people share ideas and give encouragement to friends who share a common interest, namely capturing pictures of your life on a daily basis. This is the most judgment-free group I've ever been part of. You'll lean so much and have fun at the same time. Good luck!
May 24th, 2010
I'm relatively new to it too! Just jump into it, express yourself, don't stress about it, and just follow your heart and your creative instinct. Take a camera with you wherever you go (even if it's a mobile phone camera!) and always be on the lookout for something to snap photos of. :)
May 24th, 2010
I second what Alison says. It's a fabulous place to put your pictures, I've learned so much and been influenced by others. Look at the stunning pictures but don't be over-awed, use them to inspire your self to new ideas. And watch out for the addictive qualities, you'll soon be spending way too much time here!! Good luck!
May 24th, 2010
Welcome! It does seem overwhelming sometimes, but this project is tons of fun. I'm 75 days in, and I've learned a ton, both from just shooting more often and from the brilliant, creative minds in this group. Don't be afraid to just go ahead and post, even if you think a shot isn't interesting. Some of my images that I thought were least interesting have generated the most views. The most important thing you can do here is to have fun!
May 24th, 2010
Welcome! Have fun with your project, don't make it something you HAVE to do, make it something you WANT to do. After starting, you will find, that you begin looking at the world a little differently. Everything becomes a remarkable photo op! Good Luck.
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