Do You Photos Mean Anything..?

August 10th, 2011
I know, I missed out the 'R' in your!

Somebody asked me whether or not one of my photographs actually meant anything to me. The answer is no, it doesn't. It has done once upon a time, as I'm sure it has meant something to each and everyone of us along the line, but it's really just a concept. To me the concept of getting up and moving the fuck on I suppose. Not necessarily in love, but in life. Fair enough, some of my photos have been personal, but not always. It's just an art form, the same as music and lyrics.

I think everybody perceives photographs in a different way and there need be no explanation to what you think or feel about a photo, there is no right and no wrong, that's why I love photography so much. There is a quote "Writing about music, is like dancing about architecture". Meaning that music carries it's own message to the listener, like dancing can say nothing about architecture. I think the same goes for photography.

Sorry to ramble...

Here is the photograph in question...

August 10th, 2011
I'm with you on this one,Miley! But I still love to explore the unconscious, and rather think that every piece of art we produce has its roots somewhere,whether we are aware of it or not. I am of an analytical nature...
August 10th, 2011
If my photo is a highly edited still life photo it means I'm busy, tired and inspirationless! Like last week.
August 10th, 2011
I second that Elin! This photograph - which has caused some controversy, was taken just before I went to bed. It was dark and there was nothing to get a picture in my house of anything remotely interesting.

August 10th, 2011
Ooo yes. I wonder what's going on in my sub conscious!

August 10th, 2011
@miley89 Ha ha. Dark and lonely, huh?!
August 10th, 2011
Ha that must be it! Hidden depths!

August 10th, 2011
My photos mean everything to me!
August 10th, 2011
Mine all mean something to me. That is what makes my project so much fun for me to do.
August 10th, 2011
Yes all of my photos mean everything to me @keithdavid but their concept is not necessary personal. =)
August 10th, 2011
One of the things I love most about this site is that there are times when I post a photo that means nothing to me but someone views it and finds a meaning that applies to him/her. Even times when I do have a message in mind and viewers see something else are fun for me. To me art should be subjective and tell a different story to each person depending on his/her experiences and point of view. Honestly, I love your Scrabble tile photo and think it has a lot of depth and meaning even if I'm not currently at a point in my life when I need to hear that message. Then again, there are days when I post a picture of the tree outside of my house and both I and my followers know there's no point to that other than to fill a space on my 365 calendar. :)
August 10th, 2011
i have one every now and then that ive done deliberatley to mean something otherwise its just because i felt like it.

this is one of the few that mean something:

i reckon people just love looking for stories as we all do.

like your pic and people can derive plenty of meaning from it though
August 10th, 2011
Sometimes they do, but other times I just want to play with a concept.

On that one the caption read "A heart can't break if it was never whole to begin with". I'm not broken hearted. I have been before, but not when I took it and not now. BUT, it may have meant something to someone who viewed it, and that's what counts. Art should be interpreted in different ways depending on who's viewing it. If it helps someone, then great!
August 10th, 2011
Really like they way you have portrayed this.

August 10th, 2011
Yes that exactly what I meant! =)

August 10th, 2011

Thanks shame about the pictures being real
August 10th, 2011
Very saddening. Did you take all of the pictures?

August 10th, 2011
For me, I feel that images evoke different feelings depending on the viewer and that viewer's experiences. They bring back memories as only that person has. Ultimately, it's in the eye (and the heart) of the beholder.
August 10th, 2011

no- they are publically availale on the net- i cant claim them just the sleeping girl and the editing
August 10th, 2011
I always hope my photo means something to someone because then I am creating art and not just snapping a photo. Somedays I snap a photo, but most days I either connect with a subject and must take a photo or other days I actually think about what my photo will look like. With the abstract theme, I am thinking about making sure I have color and shape balance throughout the week.
so what you did was a concept and it does not have to mean you have a broken heart, but that you took your time, had an image in your mind and made it a reality in your photo. But I bet you have followers who really connected with it.
August 10th, 2011
Thanks yes that is true. I really do try and connect with a photo, and put my heart and soul in to the concept, although I have been there before it wasn't really personal this time. The whole story behind the photo was basically that I hadn't taken a photo for the day, it was dark and the indoor lighting was awful so this was the best I could come up with, as a last minute thing (Although I'm pleased with the result!) I was that I kind of got quizzed by a fella that I used to see because he thought it was about him I guess...

@brumbe @mjkthorpe @kalexa
August 10th, 2011
Still, very cool and very powerful shot. Evokes a lot of emotion to everyone. Even if not directly involved, I think we've all felt it.

August 10th, 2011
@mjkthorpe - awesome image!!!
August 10th, 2011

oh yeah- i moved to wales last year but family and friends live in some of these cities. as a whole country it just appears and is so awful.
August 10th, 2011
my photos mean everything to me...they are images of my children growing up:)
August 10th, 2011
August 10th, 2011


i think its more that most dont have a specific meaning. although i agree that any photo i take means something to me- even if it just means practice
August 10th, 2011
I think the photographer's intention is irrelevant. Once displayed, the image no longer belongs to the creator.*
Do my photos have meaning? If you find one.

*in regards to interpretation, not copyright.
August 10th, 2011
@miley89 They always think it is about them and not about the composition, lighting, editing and theme that is going on.
August 10th, 2011
Mine often mean something but then I'm a 17 year old girl who uses photography as an outlet!
August 11th, 2011
Photos can mean different things at different times as well as meaning something else to other people. Sometimes they capture a moment or a memory and when viewed years later can stir up completely different emotions to the ones felt at the time. Every photograph, even a bad one, is a moment captured in time and should be kept, if only to remind you where you were (providing you have enough HDD space).

What some might post as a 'space filler' on their 365project could provoke inspiration to others or even the original photographer to take a better picture for the next space.

Keep up the good work ;-)
August 11th, 2011
If my photos didn't mean anything to me, I wouldn't be taking photos all the time!
August 11th, 2011
I'm quite new to this project but I've been browsing and admiring others pictures. Some of them have an echo for something in my life. They have a (sometimes strange) meaning to me.

They don't have to mean anything but the act of taking a photo everyday is a point in itself.
August 11th, 2011
Interesting discussion going on here...I like all the different input.
And now I'll add my two cents worth. :) Some of my photos are taken with a more meaningful purpose than others. Sometimes I have a specific thought to get across through a photo, and sometimes I'm just capturing a spontaneous moment. Either way, I always hope that every photo I take will touch someone, in some way, on some level. Whether it makes them laugh or cry or think, I want it to mean something to the viewer.
August 12th, 2011
for me, it just depends on the day. I do have some that deal with real emotion at the time or on that day. Here are some.

I really wanted to pull my hair out in this one.

Felt like I was (am) following blindly.

But I agree, not all photos mean anything in the moment... they are just a concept.
August 12th, 2011
I don't think you would be a photographer or hobbyist if you didn't love it or find it interesting. Its alot of work. Its a reflection of you. What is appealing to your eye, and when its out of your hands its then judged as art.
August 12th, 2011
My photos are full of my emotion. I can take 200 photos in one day (like yesterday), and if none of them mean anything, I'm not posting. I would rather skip a day than post a meaningless photo.

With that being said, I've been pushing myself a lot lately. I'm trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, and do some 'acting' in my photos. It's pretty difficult. That's why I haven't posted any this week. I think all my 'acting' photos suck. But, I'm working on it...
August 12th, 2011
Mine often hold some meaning. A lot of times it is a purely personal one, and sometimes it's a picture on a bigger scale. Or it's one that can just sum up my day.

Summing up my day:

Personal meaning:

And a bigger scale:

I do use this project for an outlet, a lot. If someone likes or finds meaning in a picture I post, that enriches it even more for me. I've had my days when I posted a pointless random shot of whatever I could find, or the days that were just simply testing a goofy idea.
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