Help with posting a link to my 365 photo on another 365-ers photo comment thread

September 3rd, 2011
I am sorry if this is already in a thread, but I could not find one. In June, when I joined, I could copy the address for the photo and then paste it in the comments area of another 365-er's thread. for example, I could say "I shot a butterfly like's the link to it." Now, when I do that, it shows the address to the link when I paste it into my friend's thread, but when I hit comment/submit, it simply goes away. Help! Why is it doing this? what am I doing wrong? I just get on my photo, highlight the share link for it, copy it. Then go to friend's thread, click in discussion, type a comment and hit "paste" .

Thought the site had stopped that function, but other people are doing it.
Any help would be appreciated.
September 3rd, 2011
Well, you could embed a link using HTML, like I am doing here.

But I don't see why it wouldn't just post the copied URL, like this -
September 3rd, 2011
Or when you say "a friend's thread", are you talking about the comments section on someone else's 365 Photo??
September 3rd, 2011
If you're posting in the comments area of another's photo, then you're better off using the URL, not the share link - so cut and paste the address at the top of the browser, rather than the content of the 'share' box.

In the discussion threads, then it's best to use the 'share' box text so you post the actual photo, rather than a link to it.

hope that helps?
September 3rd, 2011
@manek43509 @sarahhorsfall

Kit...yes, friend's thread means their comment section on their photo.....

I have been using the share link and not the URL at the top. I probably started out using the URL because I am used to doing that on Facebook to share something.... will try it but I think that is the problem! Going to go test it using the URL from the top right now, but I think that is the problem.
September 3rd, 2011
@manek43509 @sarahhorsfall Okay, I thought that would not work, since the URL just ended with "365" and not a tag that indicated specifically the shot I was sharing. but I posted it on a friend's comments area on her pic, and it went. And I clicked it and it took me to the photo I was sharing. So worked! Thanks!
September 3rd, 2011
The link with /365 on the end will always link to your latest photo - if you want the link to always go to a specific photo, you're better off using the URL with the date on.

So, at the moment, these two links would both go to the same photo .. but as soon as I add one tomorrow, they'll go to different photos! :o)
September 3rd, 2011
Yeah @espyetta , as @sarahhorsfall says, that link to /365 will change tomorrow. If you see your latest photo and the URL in the browser ends in /365, the quickest way to get to the proper URL is to just click that photo's thumbnail over in the right hand side 4x2 grid of latest photos :)
September 3rd, 2011
@sarahhorsfall @eyebrows I thought that seemed like too simple of a URL to go to the specific photo. Let me see if I get what you mean about clicking it in thumbnail and using that URL. I should not have used a current photo to test that litle procedure! Here I go...
September 3rd, 2011
Okay, yes, I opened another photo from a past date, then copied the URL at the top and it had a date in it....adn then pasted it and it worked. I would have done that naturally unless I'd been trying to share my current photo.....but thanks for pointing that I know all the ins and outs of sharing links to photos! Thanks!
@eyebrows @sarahhorsfall
September 3rd, 2011
Ah yes - the HTML code of the "share" link will work in Discussion Threads, but not in the comments on someone's photo. Sounds like you've got it sorted now, though. :)
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