no school like the old school

September 24th, 2011
I just started a new album with some photos taken on old film cameras my girlfriend and I have acquired and/or repaired. First off the rank are photos from a Brownie C and a Spartus Full-Vue. Check them out and give us feedback! :o)

Also a few extras on my Flickr:
September 24th, 2011
try some black and white film
September 25th, 2011
I do like black and white, quite a lot, it's so rich. But i've heard it said (and it can be seen in my most recent upload to that album that you can easily and effectively convert to b&w after shooting/scanning, but can't do it the other way around. That said, my girlfriend digs the old-schooly-ness of black and white films a lot, so I dare say we'll end up using both quite a bit :o)
Personally I quite like using colour as well. Gives a 40s or 50s feel to the photos - just a different kind of vintage!
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