Canon 60D Soft Focus Issue

October 4th, 2011
Has anyone else been going through this? I seriously thought I was doing something wrong and then I started searching the internet and found I wasn't alone... the only thing is, I can't seem to find any ways to "fix" the issue other than returning said camera.. and I think I might go nuts giving my camera up for any length of time.... hoping someone has found a way to fix the issue on their own.... if you have come up with the 60D miracle please I beg of you... fill me in :)

Desperately Searching For a way NOT to Return my Camera :)
October 4th, 2011
that is the camera i have...what is the exact issue you are having?
October 4th, 2011
@robinwarner I can't seem to get a crisp photo at all..they are all "soft" or slightly out of focus...not really sure.. its been going on for a while no matter what lens I use..
October 4th, 2011
hmmm not happening here...are you on automatic focus?
October 4th, 2011
Depends....I do both. There are lots of threads out there for it saying its a defect in the camera itself. I guess im probably going to have to send it in..luckily I still have my 300d or I'd really go crazy. Thanks for trying to help.
October 4th, 2011
sorry....yeah i would send it in....let me know ...
October 4th, 2011
just a thought ...have you installed the latest firmware ? are there any updates available via Canon?
I have just had a quick look & there is a EOS 60D Firmware, Version 1.1.0 showing on the canon website from July this year , cant see that it covers your issues but might be worth asking the question ,
October 4th, 2011
Have you looked into a custom setting and boosting the sharpness? You're not using any "in camera" edit processing, are you?
October 4th, 2011
Not sure about the 60D but the 50D has a AF Microadjustment. Check your owners manual for info. You can adjust all lens by the same amount or each lens individually. This might help with AF, want help on the manual side.
October 4th, 2011
@steveh sadly I have already done that :( thank you though
@aspada Yes, its not that.. checked..and yes actually I did the tilt shift in camera a while back, so I will recheck to see if I did anything on accident now that you mention it. Thanks!
@hollandcrew definitely checking this out.... thanks
October 4th, 2011
From what I've read the 60D is a bit of an enigma in the Canon line up. Seems like it's an upgrade in certain areas and a downgrade in others. Lack of the AF Microadjustment is one of those areas people are listing as a downgrade. Have you tried different lenses? If so, are they all soft? If so, I'd follow Steve's comment and upgrade the firm ware.
October 4th, 2011
@dddave0 different lenses... upgraded firmware..however I did just reset all settings to out of box settings and I think that may have done the trick... about to go test it out :) Thank you for your advice!
October 12th, 2011
Did the reset definitely solved the problem? I was thinking of buying 60d but found that many people complain about the softness/out of focus of the image. Now I am just not sure...
October 12th, 2011
@voodoofox yes it did :) This camera is a great buy and they did good on fixing the bug. I would still recommend this camera to anyone interested in a dslr
October 14th, 2011
@jessicapena hey i am facing the same problem? what is the solution to this issue? should i give my camera to the service center or upgrade the firmware? i am having a firmware version 1.0.8. Please advice.
October 14th, 2011
@ⒿⒶⓨⒹⒺⓃ Thanks for reply! I hope that my won't have any problems but it is good to know that there is some solution to this! Cheers
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