High speed photography?

June 12th, 2010
On point and shoot cameras.. :(?
My point and shoot is giving me such a hard time, because there isn't anything that is manual, so I need help.
Does anyone use their p & s for high speed photography?
And if yes.. any tips :D?
June 12th, 2010
You need to be able to control shutter speed. Some do, such as my Canon S90, most don't. If you can't control the shutter speed then you don't have much hope I'm afraid.
June 12th, 2010
My point and shoot can do long exposures, but nothing for high speed. It has settings for action shots though, such as children and sports. You could still do pan shots and get the impression of high speed.
June 12th, 2010
Best I can suggest is to try and trick it into thinking there's lots of light. You might be able to do it - Ross suggested the opposite when there was the long exposure theme a while ago.
June 13th, 2010
I have done so before. The only thing that makes it work is using the flash - it's the only way you'll get enough light in (unless you're in full sunlight, which I haven't tried).
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