Water drops, the new ink blots?

November 21st, 2011
I was playing with some water shots tonight and once I put the photos on my computer I started seeing all sorts in the drops.

Do you see them too or is my lack of sleep starting to affect my vision?

My first thoughts of this one was the Ying and Yang symbol

Not a great focused shot but I can clearly see a snowman with a hat, scarf, carrot nose and buttons...

In the botton drop I can see 2 ladies sat on the floor in full skirts facing each other and holding hands. Just me?

A big fat cat drop!

So... has anyone called the men with the strait jacket yet or do you see them too?
I also had a couple which had some rather rude drops which I haven't uploaded.

Does anyone else have drops which are clearly somethign other than water drops? Please share them so I'm not the only odd one.
November 21st, 2011
Haha! Your not insane, I can see those too. Such a cool idea I'm tempted to give it a go!
November 21st, 2011
Christmas bauble?

and, ahem, you know what I think this one looks like Emma. I really think you need to upload yours too so we can compare them ;o)

November 21st, 2011
Oh that would maks such a pretty christmas tree. Decorated in giant water drops!

Erm...this drop goes past just resembling certain manly shapes and resembles some *ahem* toys.
November 22nd, 2011
@psychographer @emmar84 I don't get it?????? what is it you see?????.............

JK! thought I would try my hand at a little humor! Interesting that that is the one that came out!
November 22nd, 2011
@psychographer @emmar84 Ok, the comments on the "manly" shot made me laugh out loud! Thank you for a good laugh! Oh, by the way, my students wanted to know what I was laughing at but I had to keep the secret from them. That makes the humor all the more enticing! I love to keep them wondering!
November 22nd, 2011
@shadesofgrey Glad you enjoyed it ;o) xx

@dejongdd Nothing better than keeping something funny to yourself. Glad it made you smile :o) xx
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