Who Has Two Thumbs And Needs Help?!

December 2nd, 2011

So, I broke my foot and until the doctor puts a cast on it, I can't really get around. I am literally having dreams about night shooting. I am getting behind on bills because I've had to cancel shoots. I NEED TO TAKE PHOTOS, PEOPLE! Last night, as a last resort, I sat on a futon in my garage and pulled empty Redbull cans from bags, lined them up and took a picture.
Who would be kind enough to give me some ideas? I can stand for about 10 minutes before the pain gets the best of me and I have to put my foot up, so keep that in mind. I've thought of taking photos of fruits, vegetables, my cats, myself (please, no, I hate doing photos of myself), the wall, shadows, an indoor time lapse....but nothing gives me that "feeling". You know the one I'm talking about. The one that makes you all giddy and stuff.
If you have any ideas for me, help me out! Please! I'm begging you. I fear I'll get so bored, I'll forget how to use my camera.

Thank you in advance, loves. Have a fantastic evening/morning/day.
December 2nd, 2011
Get a cast on that foot first! The mommy has spoken...

Other than that, why don't you just do some ghosty type images with the cats, slow exposures, and a flash light?
December 2nd, 2011
I'm wheelchair bound, so I understand where you're coming from of things being harder to shoot. I often feel that I can't do a lot of shots that others do because my chair gets in the way. Luckily, you won't have this problem for ever.
Personally, I do a lot of bird photography, I don't know if that'll interest you at all, but it works well for me usually, because birds in trees are closer to my level.
December 2nd, 2011
When I am housebound, I take pictures of birds and squirrels from my dining room window. I have also been taking pictures of how the light shines through the leaves of the houseplants on the cold mornings when I am reluctant to go outside. I have been thinking of taking some shadow shots because I have noticed how the light is shining through the windows and causing long shadows. Hope your foot gets better soon!
December 2nd, 2011
Check out @michelleyoung she has been doing a lot of water drops. Check this one out, on the description she has a ton of info about the process of getting a great water drop.

December 2nd, 2011
http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/9369/burning-light-bulb-filament-contest maybe give this a try... I haven't yet but I plan to.
Other things I have tried... paint in water, waterdrops and smoke...

December 2nd, 2011
@frameit And this never crossed my mind! WHY?! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I now have something to work on tonight. Thanks again. :)

@mej2011 Thank you. You take some wonderful shots. I'll give your ideas a go tomorrow! We have so many birds dive bombing our bushes in the back yard right now, for what reason I have no idea, but with your idea now I'd like to capture that. Thanks!

@hellcat HEY! I lurve you, homie! That is all. I'll cast it up tomorrow!!!!

December 2nd, 2011
I usually shoot pictures of my toy figures when I have to stay inside. I line them up so that they tell a story and play with aperture a bit. This is how I came up with this one on a lazy Sunday:

I don't know if you have toys around though ;). I do hope you get better soon, sending hugs your way!
December 2nd, 2011
@mcrt Mike thank you so much :o)

Water shots can be set up from a seated position, they just take a lot of patience at times.
December 5th, 2011
Not sure if it's too late to chime in....I've used a wheelchair for 22 years and I take ALL my photo while sitting down ;) Now your problem is mobility- options...grandparents old wheelchair to get around in outside- or see if anyone has a walker with a seat- you could sit and push with the good foot- or crutches and hop hop hop put your camera in a purse around your body, backpack etc. I'm an occupational therapist and this type of thing is "my bag baby". Hopefully you have your cast on by now (is it a walking cast or are you non-weight bearing? There are times I can't go outside and inside shot's it is...time to get creative- consider this a learning experience :) Hope you feel better very soon!
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