Concert photography help

December 2nd, 2011
Good morning you lovely people, I am lookng for advice on the best settings to use during a concert? (Its not like you get a second chance to get it right)

I will not be close to the stage, so its shooting from a little distance. I have a Nikon D2X and the lens I will be using is 28-300mm.

I dont know what the ideal settings are for this type of photography, so I would love some of your input please :o)

Many thanks xx

December 2nd, 2011

I took that from far away too. look at my exif info to see my settings I used!
December 2nd, 2011

I normally set on an ISO of 400 and anywhere between 1/3sec to 1/60 depending on the atmosphere you are in. If I stick with a slight faster shutter then you have to wait for light show bursts for everything not to come out blurry. It will depend how much ambient light there is as to your settings too and how far back from the stage you are! I tend to find red light shooting is too low - white and blue lights are normally the easiest to shoot in (as per the shots above!) I've always got mine by trial and error - and if things are really not working I'll stick on Av and wait for big flashes of light!!
December 2nd, 2011
Are you absolutely sure you will be able to bring your camera and lens in? Most venues don't allow it. Some don't even allow small p&s cameras. Every concert I have ever been to(about 20ish), you were not allowed to bring a dslr or an attachable lens.
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