Buying filters, can you help?

December 13th, 2011
Hi fellow 365ers,
I am looking to buy some filters for my Canon 1000D. ND, UV and polarizing, does anybody know of a good seller either on Ebay or Amazon or any other company who is trustworthy. I am in Australia so this can sometimes prove to be problematic as not everyone will ship to Aus.
Also I am thinking of buying a macro extension tube set as well.
Thanks heaps in advance for any help or sites you can send my way.
Vicki K
December 13th, 2011
Hi Vicki I tend to use Hoya filters mostly as Canon are so expensive and I only have UV filters.
I can't recommend a good seller, I normally steer clear of Ebay unless it is the only place I can get it and try to buy from Amazon direct, not market place unless they have lots of good feedback.
Hoya make lots of different filters from basic to professional and I honestly cant (not that I have looked to hard) tell the difference in them.

Extension tubes, definitely get the ones that have the electronic contacts, that way auto focus and aperture controls still function.
December 13th, 2011
Hi i agree with john - i have just recently bought two hoya filters from amazon and i'm very pleased with the service and filters - other companies i use are uk based so not sure they would help - sorry - also looking at extension tubes - have done some research and kenko seem to come out best - havent bought them yet - but will let you know if I do
December 13th, 2011
I'm in the Hoya camp too.
December 13th, 2011
Hoya and B+W make the best filters out there. Good places to order are Adorama and B&H Photo. However, I'm not sure what it costs to ship internationally. It's usually free for me in the States.

When it comes to ND filters, spare no expense. If you buy cheaper ND filters off eBay, they won't actually be neutral. They'll cast a pink or purple tone to all your photos that you can't correct even with white balance adjustment. So, spend your money on the ND filters.

When it comes to Circular Polarizer filters, however, cheap is fine. When I started out I got a set of CPL filters for my two lenses for about $15 off eBay. They worked fine. Sure, the more expensive ones will work slightly better, but in my honest opinion cheap is fine here.

For the UV filters, be sure you only buy glass UV filters. Plastic filters are just another piece of cheap crap between your lens and great photos. Glass is the best way to go to keep photos sharp and clear.
December 13th, 2011
I also use Hoya and B+W and order them from B&H Photo.
December 13th, 2011
I echo Hoya, B+W, Amazon Direct, and B&H Photo.
December 13th, 2011
i have some Hoya and Cokins for sale, they're about to go on Ebay unless someone wants them
December 13th, 2011
@veekay Save your money. DSLR's, with the exception of needing a skylight filter to protect your lens, or a Polarizer, are useless (my opinion).

I use filters, but only on my film cameras. For DSLR's, I would recommend looking into Filter Software, like Tiffen DFX, which I have happily used for quite awhile now.

Nikon's Color Efex Pro is also excellent.

Look into that instead. Seriously.
December 14th, 2011
@veekay Not many people will ship to oz, we ususally do a big B&H order when we go back to the states. If you have a friend in the states that can forward you stuff that's your best option, there are services that will do it for you but I've never used them.

I've used hoya, B+W and have a set of square cokins that I almost never use (*sigh*).
December 14th, 2011
@johnnyfrs @mortisa @bobg @jasonbarnette @aspada @lilbudhha @kmrtn6 @cluvlj @neda
Thankyou all for your input, it's very much appreciated. I'll do some more research:)
December 14th, 2011
@cluvlj Color Efex Pro is a pretty good piece of software, however it cannot do what an ND filter can: long day-time exposures. It can darken blue skies like a CPL, but it cannot reduce reflections or glare in glass. Those were mostly the filters we were talking about. I agree about all the other filters: useless on DLSR's.

But ND's and CPL's are required.
December 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette CPL, Polarizer (mentioned)

Anyway, good point on the ND. I have 3 ND Grads for this. A little harder to use as I have to compose around it.
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