Wanting to upgrade my Canon....help ?!!?

December 18th, 2011
hey everyone. I have been thinking lately about up grading my canon dslr to something a bit better. I was debating between the canon 60D or the CANON 7D and i am just wondering if there are any photographers out there who have either of those cameras and if they are happy with them or wish they had bought something different etc ???? Even if you dont own either of them but know some information that would maybe help me decide, i would appreciate any input you have :D I know the two cameras are VERY similar, as i have been reading about them...i just dont know which way to go...or maybe NEITHER of them?? haha. Let me know if any of you have anything to say about this! Thank you so much you guys!!!
December 18th, 2011
You might find some helpful info here: http://365project.org/search/discussions?q=60d%20or%207d

December 18th, 2011
I have the Canon 7D. I upgraded from a Rebel XTi and it was a bit upgrade from that.

What I love: 1.)The burst mode is great! I love it for action shots. You just keep shooting and one of the pictures in the series usually has the perfect point of action. I could never do that with the rebel. 2.) Picture quality seems to be good despite it is still a small sensor. 3.) Solid construction. 4.)The video is really good! 5.) It had spot metering, which my rebel didn't have.

What I don't like: It was expensive, but less so than the 5D which is what I really wanted. Although with the crop sensor, my telephoto lens is longer and I like that. 2.) It is better at noise than the rebel, but still not as good as I would have hoped for. 3) Lately I have been getting an error message, but It may be that my batteries are getting bad. Or that I dropped it a year ago and it may have damaged it and is now just showing the damage. So, I'd take this issue with a grain of salt.

I really like the camera, but I have heard good things about the new 60D too. I think you would probably be happy with both. What are you upgrading from???? I'm just asking because if your not already invested in the canon line IE lenses, some of my friends have the Nikon 7000 ( I think that is the one) and they really like it.
December 18th, 2011
I just got the 60D yesterday from Costco in a bundle with a 18-200mm lens, bag and card. I was offered a 7D for a little less than what I paid for this but decided I could not pass this bundle up!!! The lens it came with is amazing!!!!
Not sure if this helps you make up your mind! :( I would go for the 60D and spend the money you saved to maybe get a new lens! :o) Can't wait to find out what you decide!!!
December 19th, 2011
@beautifulthing Thank you so much shelly! i will for surely check that link out you sent to me!

@catwhiskers Thank you Nan for your input!! i am currently using the CANON Xs model. So this would be a big jump up for me. LOL. For lenses right now i use mostly a 28-70 L series and a 100mm canon macro, and i love both!! The only camera's i have ever used have been CANON, (my last one before it crapped out on me was the CANON D60, which was bought in 2003 i do believe) and i really like CANON so i dont know if i would want to switch to a different brand or not?! I would for surely need to keep my lenses though because if i bought a new camera, i wouldnt be able to afford new lenses right now also, haha. I would have to start with the body and work my way up and just use the lenses i have right now.
So much to think about and i dont just want to jump into something without really knowing for sure. THANK YOU AGAIN for your input nan!! much appreciated!!!!!
December 19th, 2011
@cheyrebecca Wow, now i am really interested in this bundle you have come across at COSTCO!! To bad i didnt have one in my town though :( I was actually thinking the same thing as what you said....about spending the money on a 60D and then use the extra money for a lens. I like that idea too because i would really like a wide angle lens. lol. Maybe i dream to much. haha. Do you mind me asking how much you paid for the bundle?? Thank you so much cheyenne for your input!! i appreciate it alot!! :D
December 19th, 2011
I have the 60D and love it!
December 19th, 2011
If you already have Canon lenses, I'd for sure stay with Canon. I really think you would be REALLY happy with either the 60D or 7D. Rebecca had a good point about the 60D and save your money for new lenses in the future. I'm excited your getting a new camera, that is always fun! Don't stress out over which one, they are both Great cameras!
December 19th, 2011
@kdimagery I would love a wide angle lens, or a macro! The total was 1,350 :) You're welcome!!!
December 19th, 2011
@timandelke Thanks so much!! good to hear :D

@catwhiskers haha awe, i like that your excited for me too! lol. Yes, i do have all canon lenses and really love using them so i would like to keep them. I have never had problems with the line and have always been a CANON girl :) I am very interested in this bundle that @cheyrebecca was telling me about! i like that it also comes with a lens that i dont have and would like to have as an addition! And yes, like she said i could hold onto that extra oney that i would have to put into the 7D, and could save for the wide angle lens i want :)
December 19th, 2011
@cheyrebecca did you order your bundle right off line? did it take a while to recieve? i dont order things off line so i am just curious :) i am so sorry for all the questions! lol.
December 19th, 2011
@cheyrebecca oh wow. ya...cant really go wrong with that price i dont think!!
December 19th, 2011
@kdimagery Don't be sorry!! :) My friend had to buy it because I don't have a Costco membership. She got it in the store and I just paid her :)
December 19th, 2011
@cheyrebecca oh i see, ok! well i do have a membership, but the closest COSTCO to me is just over 2 hours away and i dont get out that way to often...so if i do decide on it i will most likely have to buy on line i think. So i was just curious :) Thanks!
December 19th, 2011
@kdimagery You're welcome :))
December 19th, 2011
KD - I use the 7D and so does Jerry Plume ( @oragnecrush) I haven't even tried all the features yet - honestly haven't had the time. Can't wait until the house hunting and moving is over so I'll finally have some time for myself!
Since you are investing more time into photography, you can't go wrong with the 7D - but it's a much bigger, heavier camera than the Rebel (which I upgraded from). Feels more stable holding it with the 100mm lens (found the Rebel body to be too light for heavier lenses). I haven't had any experience with the 60D so can't comment.
December 19th, 2011
I upgraded to the 60D seven moths age and am very happy with the camera
December 19th, 2011
I am an avid Nikon user, so I can't say much about the camera bodies. Other than Nikon is better haha.

However, I can offer this suggestion: forget getting a bundle. Yeah, sure, they look nice on the store shelf and the person working there will rave about it. But all kits lenses suck. They have variable apertures and kick you in the butt when shooting sports or low light. Sure, they look fantastic on a computer screen, but the first time you try to get one printed at 20"x30" you'll cry.

Instead, buy just a camera body. Seems like you probably already have some lenses.

When you decide which you want to buy, some good places to look are Adorama and B&H Photo. They are the two leading camera stores in the US. After that, I have bought all my cameras from eBay without a single problem. The next camera I am buying probably this coming week will be from Borrow Lenses. Look for camera rental companies like Borrow Lenses and Lens Rentals. This time of year they start selling off their used inventory cause they have to pay taxes on anything in their possession at the end of the year.

Good luck with your upgrade!
December 19th, 2011
I've been shooting with the 60D for a little over a year (my first DSLR...yes, a big step from a point and shoot). At the time, I was toying just jumping to the 7D. Now, my husband is going to shoot with the 60D and, after the holidays, I'll be getting the 7D. The cameras are similar in many ways but, yet, the 7D is much faster, has 100% viewfinder (which I want) and many other features. You lose some of the pre-set dial settings but you gain a whole lot from the camera itself. I had a great salesman at Calumet Photo (not sure where you are but they are in many states) explain the differences between the 2. He was most helpful. The 7d is weightier and also elements resistant. I like the heavier/bigger camera in my hands although the 60D is no pip-squeek. Either way, you can't go wrong! (P.S You probably know but the 7D takes the CF card and the 60D takes the SD card)
December 19th, 2011
I'll always say this. If your camera works fine, why upgrade? Get a new lens. That's upgrading.
December 19th, 2011
I would say stay away from the 7D. I upgraded from my XT to a 7D, but couldn't get past the noise. The 7D was VERY noisy even at 400 ISO, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I decided to trade it and some other gear for a refurbished 5D Mark 2. Best decision I've made. And now with a replacement camera coming soon the the 5D is more affordable than ever.

But, with a more affordable camera, you could buy more lenses as previously stated.
December 19th, 2011
The 60D has been one of the best purchases I have made! I love the feel of the camera and the controls seem to be in convenient, user-friendly location. I tried out the 7D before the 60D came out and was seriously considering that model, but when the 60D arrived, I did some research and found the features of both cameras were very similar, but the price point was much different. I opted to go for the 60D in hopes of purchasing the lenses I wanted later! I don't think you would go wrong either way! Good luck with your choice!
BTW, would love to get the 5D Mark someday, but need to save some pennies!!
December 19th, 2011
Oh! I've been reading this thread all day! So I'll say it...If you want to upgrade your canon... buy a Nikon!!!
December 19th, 2011
Ahhh, you beat me to it! :P haha
December 19th, 2011
@swilde @manek43509 Thats Blasphemy lol.......... Long live Canon!! ;-)
December 19th, 2011
@kdimagery I have the 60D and I am quite happy with it. I divide my time between taking pictures and doing wedding videos. The 7D is excellent at both, but the 60D's swivelly screen is a big plus when it comes to getting creative with your shots. It's lighter and smaller than the 7D, and sits at a sweet spot between nice pictures and good videos. the combo i use is the 60D and the Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 (without the image stabilizer). It has really great reviews in terms of sharpness and cost, plus at an equivalent focal range to the 28-70, it alsmots never really leaves my camera. Except when I want really creamy backgrounds for video, then I use the cheap, tiny goodness of my 50mm f/1.8 :D

hope that helps somehow. :D
December 19th, 2011

Thank you so much everyone for your input!! so much to take into consideration and i really appreciate your help!!!! sounds like a few of you are using the 60D and really are happy with it, and the ones using the 7D are happy as well!...except @plainsmun who said he couldnt get past the noise....which i HATE having in my photos too. Which ever way i choose to go, it will most likely be just buying the body as i already have two really good CANON lenses and dont plan on buying anymore right away if im buying the body. I still have not quite made up my mind yet, but that is ok because i am not in a huge hurry :) but will hopefully be buying soon! THANK YOU AGAIN everyone!! Oh and to @swilde and @manek43509 i dont think i could ever become a NIKON lover. lol. It has been and always will be CANON :) Im with @hanky LONG LIVE THE CANON :D !! haha. Thanks guys :D
December 19th, 2011
@kdimagery - happy shopping!
December 19th, 2011
@debsphotos THANKS very much debbie :) I hope so! lol
December 19th, 2011
i just recently purchased the 7D. I had a Rebel XTI. I love it! The 8 frames per second burst and the 19 focus points are great. Yes, the 100% viewfinder is there too. When I was comparing, the same two cameras, what swayed my decision was the 7D had better video capabilities. I do not currently use this much, but it outweighed the 60D, so if I ever do use it more frequently, I've got the better option. I figure I'd pay more upfront as to not have to spend more later on a camera that has better video. The body is sturdy and weather resistant and fits well in my hand. I take a lot of sports and outside photos, which both cameras would handle well due to the ISO availability. I have not had any problems with photo noise yet! So happy with my decision.
December 19th, 2011
@juliesjourney Thank you so much for your input!!! The video would be more like an added bonus for me i think, as i do already have a video camera that i use, but i am really glad to hear that that part of the camera works well too! I do like the thought of the 19 focus points as i am sure it helps with making photos more crisp looking?? I do alot of indoor photos as well, and action shots like hockey photos etc. I was wondering if someone else was going to comment on the noise part of the camera, so i am glad you had something to say about that too :) THANK YOU again for taking the time to read my discussion and for leaving your comment :):) !!!
December 20th, 2011
I have the 7D and I completely adore it! Got a refurbished one through the Canon Loyalty Program. Trade in *any* old Canon and get an incredible deal on a refurb. I traded in an old p&s that was broken. The phone number is (866)-443-8002.
However, with that said...I believe the most important part of the camera is the lens. Get whichever model (60D or 7D) that will allow you to spend some money on a fast sharp lens. http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/ is an excellent place to get reviews on both cameras and lenses.
December 20th, 2011
@zubo13 thank you so much for the information donna! i will for surely look into everything you just told me! i agree with you, alot of it has to do with a great lens :) I appreciate you taking the time to read and leave a comment !!!
December 20th, 2011
Unless you need the features on the 7D or 60D, I'd say go for a T2i or T3i and use the rest of the money on a new lens - the 70-200 f2.8L would complement your 24-70 nicely. I upgraded from a DigiRebel to the T2i and couldn't love it more.
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