macro vs bokeh

December 22nd, 2011
So from what I have learned on my short time here, macro is focus on a close subject with a fuzzy background, and bokeh is a fuzzy background. So my question is, whats the difference between the 2?
Is there a difference??
December 22nd, 2011
Macro is just a close up of anything. Doesn't have to have a blurred or fuzzy background.
Bokeh is not a fuzzy background. It is the quality of the out of focus light in a photo.


Macro (maybe not great but I don't have a macro lens lol)

Macro with a fuzzy background - but NO bokeh :)

You get a "fuzzy" or blurred background from having a shallow depth of field. Which means a low f-stop, or wide open aperture (same thing) so f1.8 will give you a very shallow area of focus (see the bee).
You need a shall depth of field to capture bokeh, but not all photos with a shallow dof produce bokeh (bee again!)
December 22nd, 2011
@chasingwishes This is macro - close-up photography of very small subjects or very small areas of a subject. Background can be fuzzy or no, makes no difference:

I'll leave it to others to show/explain bokeh, as I'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole right now. :)
December 22nd, 2011
ooh thanks.. I LOVE your images. I need to learn learn learn :) and I do believe I'll learn here.
December 22nd, 2011
@chasingwishes @minxymissk @beautifulthing @chasingwishes

I just read over someones post about bokeh and he and alot of the comments explain very well what the real meaning for bokeh is. I've seen bokeh being used alot and thought it was over rated and now I know why. Bokeh is a fairly new word that I too just recently learned about. I'll let this guy explain it, made perfect sence to me.

In a nut shell bokeh all has to do with dept of field and apature. A fuzzy background does not mean bokeh. (fuzzy background is called dept of field (DOF))
December 22nd, 2011
@chaostheater Yeah - I'm familiar with the post and with what bokeh is. I was being more tongue in cheek than anything. :)
December 22nd, 2011
@beautifulthing I got caught up in all his comments and explainations that I started researching it myself and got caught in the hype. We all have to learn somehow :)
December 22nd, 2011
@minxymissk Excellent explanation and tutorial. I wish I had met you when I first started this site!
December 22nd, 2011
Micro can be Any thing and bokeh is out of focus light along with maybe something in focus in the foreground, there is a photo that I saw. Not to long ago. That had a miri ladybug in the foreground as a 'micro' and in the back ground a ' it was really pretty! xx Hope I helped,. xx
December 22nd, 2011
@chaostheater thanks for the link.. I'll check it out when I get back home from WORK. sigh "time to make the donuts"
December 22nd, 2011
@minxymissk Great explanation and examples. Thank you
December 22nd, 2011
@lauriehiggins That would have been no use :) Before I joined this site I know absolutely nothing!
@jannkc Thank you. @chaostheater I read that thread as well, and think I've explained the same thing here re bokeh.
December 22nd, 2011
@beautifulthing Lol, I loved your comment about not touching the subject of bokeh!
December 22nd, 2011
@lisjam1 LOL - I think we're all going to need a BIG bokeh break soon, what do you think? :)
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